Chapter 64

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A/N Short sorry. Quick question, do you want an epilogue or a sequel or both? This story still has a little ways to go but I just wanted to know.
Camilo P.O.V
The next day I locked myself in my room, the one and only memory I possessed playing through my brain, as I sat on the floor leaning against my bed. Over and over again the image of my father played through my mind. Though it was only a memory I could feel the force of his fists on me. My body ached all over, and even though that aching was from my crash injuries it felt as if they were from my father. Once again I heard my mother yell for him to stop once again she was pushed to the ground. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to forget the beating I received as a child, but it proved to no avail. Considering it was one of the few- no more like the only thing I remembered from my past it would be difficult to forget it. Shutting my eyes made the memory more vivid, therefore I forced myself to open them. My heart beat quickened to the point that I could hear it.
"Leave her alone!" I heard my younger self yell. I winced at how tiny I sounded. Like a little Chihuahua trying to be tough in front of a Rottweiler.
"What did you say?" My father's drunken slur sounded like nails on a chalkboard. Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I covered my ears with my hands to rid myself of his voice. But, as I already knew, it was in my head and covering my ears did nothing to stop the voices.
"I said get away from her!"
"No!"My mothers screams ringed in my ears. I curled my hands into fists still over my ears, as I pounded on them. "No, don't touch him!" I curled into a ball on the floor, tightly pressing by hands to my ears while breathing rapidly. Though my eyes were wide open the terrifying picture of my father was clear, and I couldn't stop from seeing it. Take a deep breath. I told myself. Take a deep breath. I inhaled then breathed out willing myself to calm down. The voices disappeared and my heart rate slowed to a normal pace. Cautiously I pushed myself up from the ground into a siting position, almost as if I would continue to hear the voices if I got up too quickly. I tried not to think about the memory, or how it had affected me. Instead I focused on my room, taking in every detail of it. It was not small or grand. The bed was a King size, with white and silver covers. The closet was a walk in, and had a white door. There was also a long dresser, a large window, and a full length mirror. A knight stand was on either sides of the bed. This room to me had a sense of home, and familiarity. At the same time this room didn't exactly trigger any memories. I stood from by place on the wooden floor, and retrieved Clarke's laptop from the dresser. Yesterday I had watched a couple videos on Miller's Life, and hopefully it would help me remember something good. I clicked on a video called Truth or Dare Princess style. I saw Octavia, Clarke, Monty, Jasper, Raven, Miller(which I've noticed was his last name), and a couple people I didn't recognize. This should be interesting.
Clarke P.O.V
Camilo still hadn't come out of his room and I wondered why. I debated going into his room or not to check on him, but I decided against it. He was probably just resting. I was currently on the couch snuggled up next to Bellamy, his arms circling me. Octavia was with Charlotte playing a board game. Cage and Uncle Wallace were at their hotel and weren't coming until dinner. My engagement hasn't been mentioned by anyone due to the recent events. As we watched a documentary on Ancient Mesopotamia, I began to think about certain things that would have to happen before we could get married. We would have to get a marriage license of course, figure out where we were going to live after we were going to live after we were married, we would have to actually plan it too. As I thought about this I realized we ourselves hadn't actually had a chance to talk about our engagement, and we haven't even set a date. I turned to Bellamy who was highly intrigued by the show. I decided to ask him about my thoughts later, but he had noticed me staring at him.
Bellamy looked down at me."What's up Princess?"
"Nothing, but I was thinking and I happened to notice that we haven't really talked about our engagement at all." I told him.
He thought for a moment."Do you want to talk about it now, because honestly Princess I cannot wait to call you Princess Blake." He had a cute, goofy smile on his face which only he could pull off, and made a dimple on his chin appear.
I smiled up at him."Who says I'm taking your name?"
"I did."He smirked."But if you don't want to take my name we can negotiate."
I raised an eyebrow."Negotiate how?"
A mischievous grin grazed his olive tones features."Well you can try and somehow convince me so that you keep your maiden name."
I rolled my eyes at him."And how would I do that?"
He tapped his chin as of thinking.'Let me give you an example." Bellamy leaned his head down and gave me a gentle kiss.
"You could try something like that or..."He moved from my lips to trail kisses on my jawline and slowly moved down towards my neck.
"Like this," Bellamy said against my skin making me shiver. He placed soft kisses on the side of my neck making my heart rate increase with every touch. I slightly tilted my head up and sighed.
Bellamy smiled against my neck."Do you need any more examples Princess?"
I let out a breathy laugh."No I think I got it." Without a warning I pushed him back and kissed him fiercely, sliding onto his lap. He reacted instantly and kissed me with the equal amount of fire. I tilted my head and moved my lips in sync with his. We both breathed heavily, but didn't separate for more than a second to adjust how were seated. My fingers tangled in his hair as I roughly pulled his him down to me. His hand ran up my back and to the back of my neck pulling me as close to him as possible, while the other laid on the middle of my back and pressed me to him tightly. He captured my bottom lip in between his teeth, slightly tugging at it. I breathed in Bellamy and he breathed in me. Gradually I pulled away and leaned my forehead on his. My hands still curled into his hair and his still in their place.

"How about a compromise?" I whispered.

"I'm listening." He replied huskily. I briefly leaned in once more and hungrily seized his mouth with mine. Once again my forehead leaned against his.

"Blake-Griffin, that way," I paused to take a deep breath and I conitnued dreamily," i'm still a Griffin, but i'm also yours."

He swallowed."Yeah, I like that and we could be the Blake-Griffins. That would also be the name of our children."

"Children? How many exactly?" I asked curiously. I hadn't honestly thought about how many kids I wanted, considering people still thought as me as a kid.

"Five kids." He responded.


"Yep, two Kings and three Princesses." He said. We heard someone walking downstairs, making me jump off of Bellamy so quickly that I fell to the ground. I groaned as I stood. Bellamy was laughing. I scoweled at him, which made him surpress his laugh for about half a second. I smacked his shoulder then sat down next to him. Octavia came down with Charlotte and she plopped down on the recliner while Charlottte dissapeared into the kitchen to get a snack.

Octavia turned to us. "Where's Camilo?"

"In his room, he hasn't come out yet." I responded.

Octavia scrunched her eyebrows."He hasn't come out at all? It's like three in the afternoon." I looke at my watch, it was 3:02 pm. He should have come out by now.

"Should I go check on him?" I asked.

Octavia nodded."I think so."

I gave Bellamy's hand a squeeze."Be right back." I walked to Camilo's door and knocked. No answer. I knocked againg, and again there was no answer.

"Camilo are you in there?" I called. Nothing, no response. I jiggled the knob, but it was locked. I frowned, why would it be locked? Maybe he's asleep. No, it was too late for him to be asleep. Thinking about reasons as to why the door would be locked I walked downstairs. Octavia and Bellamy looked up at me.
"He didn't open the door."
"Huh?"Bellamy asked, as I walked over to them.
"The door was locked and he didn't answer so...." I let my voice trail off.
"Could he possibly still be asleep?" Octavia asked.
I shook my head."I don't think so."
We were quiet for a moment until Bellamy decided to break the silence.
"Maybe he's showering."
"There was no sound of water." I told him.
"Don't you have a key to his room?" Bellamy asked.
I nodded in response."Ill go get it."
I walked upstairs to my mothers bedroom, and went to the nightstand drawer where she kept the key. I opened the drawer, but to my surprise I saw a curios, unfamiliar looking box in it. It was wooden. My curiosity got the better if me so I took along with the key. I closed the drawer then left the box in my room, and went to open Camilo's door. I put the key in the lock, and turned it. I turned the knob and pushed open the door.

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