Chapter 71

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Clarke P.O.V
Bellamy was standing behind me, watching as I told Camilo to calm down. I let out a sigh of relief as his breaths calmed and he seemed to be no longer panicking. Slowly he took in his surroundings realizing he was still in his room. I gave him a minute to think or to breath.
"Are you better now Camilo?" I asked.
He swallowed and nodded numbly. He straightened up slowly.
"What happened?" I asked softly.
He spoke as softly as I did."I had another memory."
Bellamy stepped closer to us."Another?" Camilo nodded in response.
"How many have you had?" I asked.
Camilo stuck up three fingers to show the amount of memories he's had.
"And you weren't going to tell us?" Bellamy questioned. His tone wasn't harsh. Instead it was curious.
"I was trying to process them. The day I had gone out by myself was the day after I had my first memory." He explained.
"What was it about?" I asked.
Camilo winced. "My father."
I looked back at Bellamy, he too noticed the hint of sadness and anger in his voice.
"What happened?" I asked, then added,"In the memory?"
Camilo clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes like teary."I realized that my father is a drunk. That he doesn't care of hurting his so called family, and that he is a monster." The bitterness in his voice took me slightly aback. I had never heard Camilo talk like that. Not before the accident, not after, not until this moment. Bellamy was now standing directly next to me, both of us were looking at Camilo.
"He beat you. You and your mother. Maybe even Charlotte." Bellamy stated.
"In that memory all I saw was me screaming at him to leave my mother alone, then him attacking me. I'm not sure if he ever actually beat Charlotte." Camilo told us.
"But he had tried?" I searched Camilo's face to see what he felt. I saw so many emotions ranging from anger to fear.
"From what I just remembered, yes."
That was absolutely terrible. Why try and hurt an innocent little girl? Why try and hurt your family? I felt something similar to sadness for Camilo. Just like I was sure Bellamy did too. Bellamy used to go through the same thing. Kane used to beat him, threaten to do the same to Octavia. Bellamy never let Kane touch Octavia, though and as far as I knew Kane no longer hurt Bellamy. Bellamy fought back no longer worried that if he did he would loose Octavia, because he knew he could fight for her custody.
"Can you tell s of your memories?" I asked.
He seemed to be contemplating it. Finally he answered."Yes." Bellamy had an arm strung around my shoulder, I leaned into him as Camilo began. He told us exactly what happened in his first memory, he told us how after the memory he had physically felt the force and pain he had received from his father. His expression didn't change from the first to the second memory until he reached the part where the nurse told him which little baby was his sister. He smiled as he told us the rest of the second memory, and then his face turned grave again as he told us, what only minutes ago had flashed before his eyes. How he had fought back at a mere thirteen years of age, not that he seemed very pleased with himself. After he had finished, no one spoke a word. The silence was thick in the air. Then, after what seemed like ages Bellamy spoke.
"He didn't hurt Charlotte while you were around Camilo."
I looked up at Bellamy to see a serious expression on his face.
"What?" Camilo asked.
"You wouldn't of let it happen. I know because that's what older brothers do. They protect the younger, more innocent ones." Bellamy explained."If you are worried he hurt Charlotte and you didn't stop it, then i'll tell you know that you at least tried to stop it. So don't be worried about that."
Camilo looked at Bellamy like if he had just grown antlers and a tail. This look was justified, for the fact that since Camilo had come back from the hospital Bellamy was never even close to trying to be friends with him. Camilo must found it strange, that it was Bellamy telling him not to worry. I on the other hand didn't think this strange. I found it both endearing and commendable, that Bellamy could be not exactly caring, but sympathetic to someone who he didn't particularly like. The reason for this was because he had lives through a similar situation, but it still made me love him more than I did before. I didn't know if that was physically possible considering that my heart swelled with joy with the pure mention of his name or a simple lopsided smile from him.
"I hope you are right, because if he hurt my little sister I would never be able to look at her in the eye." Camilo said."So my sister and I are here, because my mother is ill?"
I nodded."Yes, I'm sorry I didn't tell you."
"It's fine I understand why you didn't." He said. "Can I be alone? I need to think."
"Okay." I told him. Bellamy took a gold of my hand and we walked downstairs together. We stood in the living room facing each other, both our hands intertwined with each others.
"That went...."My voice trailed off, not actually knowing how to describe what just happened. It was good Camilo knew about his mother and that his memories were returning, a bit sluggishly, but they were coming back. The bad side was that his memories which he had reacquired were about a monster of a father. I sighed.
"He will be okay Princess."I looked up at Bellamy."I know you are worried about him, Camilo is like Jasper and Monty to you now. Don't worry though he is going to get through this."
I smiled at him."I know. Bellamy why are you so amazing?"
He smirked."Because I am. I'm not as amazing as you though."
I rolled my eyes."Your only saying that to make me feel good about myself."
He chuckled."No I'm not Princess. You are more amazing than me. You're also kinder, sweeter, and more likable."
"But you are the more relatable. More attractive, more caring." I argued."And more of a risk taker. Plus you are close to fearless."
Bellamy raised an eyebrow."What makes you think I'm fearless?"
Still smiling I responded,"For one you don't seem to be scared of anything. There is also the fact that at the Masquerade ball you personally told me you had no fears."
He laughed."I did say that, didn't I?"
I looked down and laughed."Yep."
"But Princess, I lied." His voice was suddenly solemn and humorless. I lifted my light eyes to Bellamy's dark ones.
"You lied?" I questioned.
"Yes. I do have a fear, actually I have more then one." He told me.
"You can tell me."
He gave me a small smile."I know I can." Quietly he continued to speak."One of them is hurting innocent people, another is having people die for me, and even of this sounds pathetic another one of my too many fears is opening up to someone."
I placed my hand on the side of his face."You don't have to many fears Bellamy, I know people who have a lot more than you and it's okay to be afraid. That's part of being a human."
Bellamy's expression was soft."I haven't told you my biggest fears yet, Princess."
"Then tell me." I said.
"My second biggest fear is loosing Octavia."Bellamy's eyes burned into mine. They burned into my soul." Much too my surprise since Octavia was my entire world ever since the days she was born, my biggest fear in the universe is not being with you Clarke. I would not be able to live without you in my life. Because Clarke Griffin, you are my life."
"And you are my life Bellamy Blake. I love you and I will never stop loving you." I told him. He leaned down and have pressed his lips to mine. Gifting me with an earth shattering kiss. I could never live without Bellamy, because he was my air, and no one can live without air.
A/N Sorry short. Did you like it, did you hate it? Who's scared for the season 2 finale? By the way are you guys getting tired of this story? Is it going on too long?

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