Chapter 6

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After I had quickly cleaned my wounds, I started on Bellamy's group. There were six of them not including Bellamy. Besides Bellamy, Miller seemed to be in the worst condition. He had a gash on his cheek and arm, and seemed to have bruised ribs. Once I was done cleaning his wounds and insuring he was alright, he smiled at me. "Thanks Clarke" He said sincerely.
I smiled back."Your welcome." As I finished patching up Bellamy's group, I noticed he was pale and leaning against the wall, but thought it was just because he was tired. Then I got Wells all cleaned up, and after Octavia. She wasn't as badly beaten as the others, but still managed to get a few scratches.
"Your turn Bellamy." I said.
"I'm good Princess." He said casually.
I rolled my eyes."Bellamy, your cut on your cheek is still bleeding, and you have more cuts and bruises then anyone else."
"I said I'm good."
"Please let Clarke fix you up Bell." Octavia begged.
That's when I noticed something seeping through his shirt. "Bellamy what's on your shirt?"
I walked over to him and lifted his shirt, which earned me a 'hey' from Bellamy and a 'what are you doing' from Octavia and Wells. I saw a deep looking wound on his stomach.
"Bellamy you got stabbed?" I asked just as Octavia came over and gasped. Pulling his shirt back down he said, "Yeah, so?"
"So your still bleeding and pale obviously from blood loss. How have you not passed out?" He shrugged. "Go lay down on the couch," I ordered.
He rolled his eyes, but slowly walked over and laid down. "I'll be right back." I said.
I ran to the upstairs bathroom to grab a towel and rubbing alcohol since we had run out. When I came back only Wells, Bellamy, and Octavia were there."Where's everyone?"
"They had to go home,"Wells answered."and actually I have to go too. Are you okay here?" I nodded. Wells kissed me goodbye, but I hesitated to kiss back. Then he left. I noticed Bellamy and Octavia staring at me." What?"
"Nothing." They both answered, looking somewhere else. As I sat on the coffee table in front of Bellamy, Octavia yawned. "Octavia if you're tired you can take a nap in my room, while I fix your brother. Judging by his wounds it'll take a while."
She nodded." Where is it?"
"Upstairs first door to the right." She nodded and headed upstairs as I lifted Bellamy's shirt, and pressed the towel against the stab wound. After the blood had stopped I poured alcohol onto a piece of cloth. "Get ready, this will hurt."I warned.
He rolled his eyes. "Yeah right as if a little alcohol will hurt....." I pressed the cloth against his wound and started to clean it. He hissed in pain. I smiled, serves him right.
"Doesn't hut huh?" He glared at me, and I smirked.
After I had bandaged it I said, " There it's clean, but it might need stitches, you'll just have to wait till my mom gets home."
"No way, I'm not waiting for your mom to get here." He protested.
"Bellamy stop being childish. Your staying here until my mom gets home, and that's final." He muttered something I couldn't here as I started cleaning his other cuts. When I got to the cut on his cheek, Bellamy tried to sit up, but I quickly stopped him.
"No Bellamy, just cause the wound is covered doesn't mean it won't start bleeding again."
He looked at me, " Then how are you going to clean my cheek?"
"I'll just lean over you."
I grabbed a clean piece of cloth and poured alcohol on it then leaned over to clean the cut on his cheek. I turned his face to the side to clean his cheek. We were so close, that I could hear his breathing. When I was finished I said, "Done." Though I was still examining the cut when he turned his face. Now he was directly facing me the tips of our noses touching. My breath stilled at the closeness. His eyes bored into mine. His eyes flickered to my lips then back up so quickly I wondered if I had imagined it. Neither of us moved we just stayed there looking at each other.
"Princess?"Bellamy breathed out knocking me out of my trance. I stood up fully and turned to the first aid kit on the coffee table.
"Never mind." He said. I made sure to put antibiotics on his cut. Then I looked at the time it was 11:00.
"Hey Bellamy, shouldn't you tell your parents were your at?" I asked trying to relive some of the awkwardness in the air.
He scoffed." My so called foster parents don't give a damn about Octavia and me. Right now they're at a casino in Vegas." His voice was filled with so much hatred it had taken me aback. It was silent for a moment. Then Bellamy asked," Um when does your mom get home?"
"At 3:00 am why?"
He shook his head."No reason, just curious."
"Bellamy, " He cut me off, "You can go rest if you want Princess. You don't have to be here the whole time."
I smiled at him." I might just have to take you up on that offer. I really feel like showering."
"What Princess can't take a day without showering?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes and he smiled, actually smiled. That sent a weird fluttering feeling to my stomach, that made me abruptly turn around, and walk towards the shower.
A/N I feel like this chapter is really short. Anyways, I'm super excited for tonight's episode, Bellamy and Clarke reunite. I saw a the clip that shows them hug and it was so sweet until she brought up Finn.

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