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He pushed me on the bed climbing on top of me and started kissing up my body until he met my lips once again...

Third POV~

Vallyk kissed his lover hungrily back letting his sexual desires take over not caring about how his best friend and sex buddy were in the other room. Vallyk knew what he was doing was wrong but he just couldn't resist so he had sex with Mike, Kobe and Derek hearing everything.

The way Vallyk called out to Mike made Kobe so angry to the point where he had left the apartment completely. Derek on the other hand once in his room playing loud music to shut out the notices of the head board hitting the wall. The boys went on for a good hour because Mike had been holding it in the whole time while Vallyk had came several times already.

Soon the boys were all washed up and had had settled down. The sheets were changed and in the dryer as well as there clothes before. Now the couple was just sitting in the room watching tv mainly because Val's legs were broken.


Me and Val had just finished doing the do completely and a few minutes after us sitting he had fell asleep on my chest. Is was now late st night to and I was hungry so I got up to go fix me some food deciding on a hot pocket and chips.

While waiting Kobe had walked threw the front door. "Wassup" I spoke but he said nothing. "ok then" I said to myself as the microwave began to go off. Taking the plate out I placed some regular potato chips on a my plate taking it back to Vallyk's room. Once getting inside I just chilled and watched tv until actually going to sleep watching SpongeBob.


This is just a filler it would have been more but I'm tired and I've been writing since I got up so here's that and pls bare with me with updates I'm going to start updating more frequently for you like I used to do so yh but that's all for this book today more tomorrow😊

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