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I had made it to the trap and instantly my dad began to yell. I tried to calm him down and explain the whole situation so I just let him talk because he wasn't listening. Eventually he stopped and I explained. "Whatchu shoot him for doe, or at least claim to shoot him for" I remained quiet and I heard someone scoff.

Looking around I seen it was Kobe making me roll my eyes. "Whatchu reacting like that for Mike, thought we was homies" he said with a smirk walking over to me. I said nothing. My day raised a brow looking at me. "What's up whichu" he asked I shook my head. "Pops he just still acting like a pussy because i fucked his bitch..or should I say nigga".

Before I knew it my fist connected with his jaw. All I could see was red. I hit both left and right straight into his face. It took 3 people to pull me off. When I looked at my work I seen Kobe with a bloody face making me smile. But my father brought me back with a slap. "You gay nigga!" He yelled and I jumped up. "Yeah I am and what about it" I spoke confidently as he look me up and down In disgust.

"Ian raise no bitch" he said smacking his lips. "I made it this far, I'm most definitely far from it. And the reason I tried to take that punk out is because of some stuff I had going on with my man. He mine and mine only and anybody can get it behind him. So no I don't care I started something crazy, you can help me end it or ima end it myself" I spoke and everyone looked at me for a good minute.

My dad just scoffed and walk away. "Alright then, anybody else leaving!" I yelled and nobody moved. All but Kobe who left with my dad to clean up. Don't need them anyways.


Me and Derek had made it to the mall and we're currently just walking around laughing. We had already bought a few items as well. I really was enjoying this time with my bestie because with everything going on we haven't been able to hang out. "Hey Val, you think Mar is ok" Derek asked random with a frown. "I'm sure he is, maybe he just has some stuff going on. I know it's been a while since you heard from him but he loves you so I know he'll contact you soon". I spoke to him with a reassuring smile.

He nodded and we continued on our walk into Champs. We both spotted a pair of shoes we liked which were the panda dunks. We ended up purchasing them as well as matching hoodies and walked out.

I started to feel like someone was staring at me and it was making me paranoid. Ever since we got here I felt the stair but I continued to ignore it, but now it was really bothering me.

Me and Derek were at the food court and he went to go wait in line while I sat down and watched our stuff. I looked around still feeling the gaze until I locked in with a brown pair of eyes. It was Bobbies. When he met mine he smiled slightly and walked away.

For some reason I followed him. All the way out the mall into the parking lot. Might've made the wrong decision but to late now. "Hey Vallyk" I jumped turning around seeing him. "Bobby you scared me" I said clutching my chest before frowning. "I'm sorry for how I treated you" I said looking down and he nodded. "It's ok Val trust me, I truly do care for you..so please forgive me for what Im about to do" he said and before I could even process and mouth covered my mouth from behind with a cloth covering my nose.

As I tried to get away I breathed in the chemical more and more. I watched as my vision of Bobby in front of me became more blurry by the second.

Soon everything went black.


*Not Proof Read*

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