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The movie had now finished so I got off of Derek's lap and sat beside him. "I'm going to the bathroom real quick pick another movie if you'll like" Derek told me and I nodded before grabbing the remote and my phone to call Mike since he still wasn't back yet. After a few rings he answered. "Hey bae" He spoke once the call connected making me smile. "Hey bubba what you doing" I asked. "Some stuff went down at the trap and we have to move it so I should be home no less than 12"  I sighed sadly. "Ok well ill be here with Derek be careful" I sadly said. "Cheer up mama I'll be there soon ok wanna picture of me and I get one of you" he asked and I smiled once again. "Yes please!" he chuckled slightly. "Ok bubba I gotta go so ima take the picture for you ok" he spoke and I hummed. "Bye Mickey" With that we hung up and I went to go take the picture and he took his as promised.

I smiled as his goofy face before going back to Derek's room picking w !movie. " D you ok in there you fall or sum!" I called out hearing him groan. "No I ain't fall I'm constipated!" I heard and nodded. "You ok!" I called out again. "Yeah give me like 10 minutes!" I said "ok" and that was the end of it. After 10 minutes Derek had finally came out spraying Febreze. "You good now" I asked and he nodded sitting down. " What movie you pick" I pointed to the TV the tittle Ring being visible on the screen. "Ok then" I chuckled because Derek hates scary movies. "Can I lay under you though" she asked and I nodded smiling.

Climbing over to me he layed his head on my chest. Pulling a blanket over us I started the movie.


Once the movie started to really get suspenseful Derek's grip on me got tighter. "He better stop looking at that tv" I spoke shaking my head. "Is she gone climb out" Derek asked and as soon as he said that she did the tv beaming with loud scary music. "Get up bruh why is you falling on air!" I yelled in frustration. "Don't look at her face!" Derek screamed covering his own. "Dumb fuck looked at her" I spoke and Derek shook his head "Val turn it off I don't wanna watch it no more" he's whined. "No its almost over" He shook his head grabbing the remote and turning it off.

Smacking my lips I hit him on the shoulder. "Stawp and get out too Mar coming over" My mouth widened. "you gone kick me out for yo boo" I spoke in shock. "And is so get to stepping sir" Unbelievable but I'll do the same thing with Mike so let me hush.

Mike ~

We had now finished Jackie up everything in trucks and most of the gang was over there putting it up while me and Kobe and a few others were still there. "Did y'all get the rest of the supplies" I asked the other 2 or 3 people that were here. "Ye it's all sent out to the other trap house" Nodding I turned around seeing Kobe. "Don't be rolling up on me like that bruh" I spoke backing up a little. "sorry, but ugh we gotta talk" I raised a brow. "Bout" He looked to the side before in the eyes. "Vallyk" He spoke and I was completely confused. "Why what he do" I asked and he smirked. "That's between me and him big bruh don't worry bout it to much though but know I gotta go so catch you" With that he walked away leaving me there confused a slightly upset.

What the hell was he talking about?!!


How are you all? This was supposed to published yesterday but I stopped bc I didn't finish it but here you are😁

Bye now😘

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