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Seeing that Mike had texted wanting to meet up kind of confused me. I was literally in the middle of balling my eyes out, next thing I know I'm jumping up trying to find a outfit. I can't help but wonder what he wants to talk about or what I'll even say.

Maybe he's going to kill me..nah I don't think he would do that. He probably may kill Kobe though.

I fell out of my thoughts when I felt my phone vibrate. It was text from Mike saying he was outside. I got my belongings and walked out locking the door. It was easy because Derek was now gone mad Kobe never came back.

Jogging down the steps from the apartment I quickly made my way to the car and he pulled off. A awkward silence came over us until he grabbed my hand. "I'm sorry for how I reacted" he spoke softly. "Im not as innocent either" I raised my eye brow confused. "What are you talking about" I asked seeing him pull into a alley way. "Just listen to me before you scream" I was already getting scared by the sound of that.

He began talking and telling me how he's scared about his feelings from me, how he became apart of the gang and why, revealing that his father is homophobic and pressures him to be something he's not, how hard his childhood was and much more. But the next thing that came out his mouth shattered my heart even more. "That night I said I slept at a hotel..I cheated on you too" I stared at him blankly. "So I'm sorry I said those things to you, because I did the same thing" I sniffed slightly, my knee beginning to shake. "When was it" I asked looking forward now. "Two weeks after we got together " he spoke lowly looking down.

I began laughing hardly. "You get all mad at me and you cheated on me TWO weeks after we got together nigga!?? I screamed as hot tears ran down my face. "Whole time I'm thinking I'm the issue but really I was getting my get back and didn't even know" chucking to myself I wiped my tears. "Ian even mad, you had a one night stand while I had plenty and I'm no longer ashamed" I spoke boldly looking him dead in the eyes.

I could see the hurt and anger all in one. But how could he be upset at me? How could we be upset at each other? What are we even doing to ourselves. We're doing nothing hurting each other, that's all we've been doing.

Realizing this I began crying my smile dropping. "What are we doing" I asked looking at him seeing tears roll down his face. "I don't know baby boy, but we can fix it" he spoke grabbing my hand but I shook my head taking it back. "How? The trust is no longer there, we're both hurting, I live with your bsf who I cheated with, it's just so much going on on top of that the gang shii" He shrugged taking my hands again. "I don't care, we can start over, heal together, learn each other and do it right. I can get us our own place I got money and for the gang stuff don't worry about it because ima take care of you regardless and you'll know everything going on, I promise" he spoke looking at me with reassuring eyes.

I never seen him so emotional before. I didn't know weather to believe him or not. I do want to be with him and I do love him, more then anything. "Ok" I whispered nodding slightly seeing him smile back. He placed our foreheads together making our wet faces touch. "I love you" he whispered. "You don't gotta say it back right now but just know" I nodded and kissed him softly grabbing his chin. He melted into the kiss wrapping his hand around my neck, a airing moan then left my mouth.

I pulled away smiling up at him. He reached in the back getting a bouquet of flowers handing them to me. "What if I spazzed out and left" he shrugged "but you didn't" he said with a cheering smile. "Thank you Mikey" he kissed me as a thank you before pulling off.


Me and Mike ended up at a apartment because I didn't want to go home. He showed me some apartments and we agreed on one. I was one bed room, good range pricing and just enough for us. It isn't finalized yet since we have to go apply for the apartment and wait for approval. Im the mean time we'll just vibe.

"How you feel" he asked coming from the bathroom. "I'm ok I just know Derek is going to be mad and I don't know what to do abt Kobe" he nodded rubbing my back. "Don't worry abt Kobe or Derek right now, just focus on us right now " I nodded putting my focus back on the movie we were watching.

Hope you guys enjoyed.

*not proof read*

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