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You don't understand. No one does I just want them to understand.

I sat in my room looking out my window thinking about what's been going on with my life. Vallyk is still under suicidal watch and can't get out until who knows when but that was 3 weeks ago.

Me on the other hand, I've been fucking bitches non stop. I've drank so much vodka in a day it makes me forget my own name. I've popped pills thwt I found in Vallyk's room, I just been doing everything to at least try an escape my reality, the reality I can't seem to run away from.

I listened to YMW Melly Dangerously in love as I tapped my finger on the glass window in room to the beat. It was satisfying, the only thing heard was the lyrics of the song playing and my fan.

But my moment was enterupted by my phone ringing. It was Kobe so I declined. I didn't wanna talk just felt like wanting to my self.

"Your so dumb" I mumbled to my self. Just the thought of seeing my best friend in that state is un see able.

No one understands that the feelings I have towards Vallyk are out of this world. UHHHH, imma go get my dick sucked this is to much to think about.


I sat in the empty room with only a door and a window that was gated. I've been here for 3 weeks since what happened. The doctors said I'm getting better, but am I?. My voices in my head are getting stronger and it makes me wanna explode.

So all I do is cry because that's all I can do, is cry.

My crying settion for the third time today was interrupted by the door opening. I Looked and it was Derek. He walked over sitting Down on the floor beside me.

I layed my shoulder on his chest and he pulled me towards him. "I wanna go home Derek" I mumbled in his chest. " I know you do Val you just have one more day" He said kissing my head.

I sighed pulling away. "Derek I'm sorry for getting you cought up in my shit when you have your own life" I said and he shook his head. "I love making sure your ok, you are my best friend" He said with a smile. I returned it but it was fake

"Val smile" he said straight facing me. "Fine" I said smiling. "Thank you" I chuckled going back and laying on his chest as we just sat there enjoying each other's time.


I sat in a alley way drinking on the side walk when some teen came up to me. He looked about 16 by his face but his body say's other wise. He was wearing a crop top with some wripped jeans and air forces.

I looked up at him with low eye's.

"In your feelings" He asked taking the boddle from my hand drinking it. "How you know?" I asked as he sat down. "Because I've been there" he says shrugging. "The constant voices in your head telling you that your not loved and should die. Well that happened to me and I ended up over doseing because I thought the person I loved never wanted me but turns out he did" He says looking down.

"We both came out but then our relationship got Rocky and we both started making bad decisions, He started drinking and I became a stripper selling my body for drugs because I was desperate for them. But one day he drank from a bar and just like that he was out, forever and till this day I haven't touched a single body until, today"

He said and I looked at him taking the boddle throwing it right before he could drink any more. "Don't go the same path he went down, you have a Life to live and so do I" I said looking at him. "I'm DL and I have this crush on my best friend but I'm scared to showow it" The boy looked at me.

"What's his name" He asked. "Vallyk" I mumbled and he nodded. "He Sounds like a nice person, what do you like about him" he asked. " His personality, he's hurt and I just wanna be the piece to glew him back together" I stated.

"Well you go do that, I'm sure he'll appreciated it but don't be nervous. Just tell him how you feel" with that he walked away but I called him back. "Hey, what's your name" I asked and he turned around with a smile. " Samy" with that he walked away.


Look at me spamming when I should be sleep😍

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