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It was the next morning and I was sleeping up under Mike his arm's wrapped around me. His shirt was off and the sun was shinning perfectly on us both causing a smile to appear on my face. Leaning back over I checked my phone to see I had text from Kobe. Shaking me head I got up from the bed and walked to his room only for it to open him standing in front of it. He looked at me before walking passed me but I grabbed his arm. "wait I have to talk to you" I spoke and he turned around. "What" His tone was very harsh and I didn't like it. "I just woke up I don't need an attitude" I spoke rolling my eyes but ended up against the wall with Kobe's hand around my neck.

I gasped in shock as my hand made there way to his arm. "You better watch your mouth lil baby now I'm already not in the mood today so talk" He whispered in me ear sending tingles down my spine. "I'm sorry" He hummed in response. "Sorry who" I looked him in the eyes as he just smirked. "Sorry daddy" I spoke up loud enough for him to hear and he let me go. "Now whay is it you needed to talk about" he asked but I just shook my head. "its Nothing" I said with my head down and he nodded before walking away.

After standing there I heard the from door close. Shaking my head I walked to Derek's room I seen he was up on his phone. "Hey best" I spoke and he smiled as I walked over sitting beside him. "Can we spend the day together" I asked and he shrugged. "Yeah what's wrote" I just shook my head hugging him. "nothing I just need to forget some things for a while" he nodded and hugged me back. "Ok then comere" I  smiled as he sat back on the bed with his arms out. Getting on his lap he wrapped his arms around me. "Wanna watch a movie" he asked and I nodded. "Yeah let's watch Good burger" Shrugging Derek had put the movie on and we watched it in the position we were already in.



I had just woke up to my phone ringing. It was now the afternoon which had me confused as to why my phone was ringing because no one really calls me except on the burner of course. Groaning I turned on my side grabbing my phone seeing it was Kobe. Answering it I assumed it was business. "Hel-" I was cut of by him talking. "Get your ass up and to the trap in 10" And with that he hung up.

Looking at my phone with a stank face I then got up and out on clothes. Grabbing my signature chain I placed it around my neck after that I grabbed my gun and other things I think I would need. Once done I walked out the room to Derek's room seeing that Vallyk wasn't in the room.

Opening the door the two were watching a movie  in a position they used to do all the time so I didn't have a problem with it. "Ima head out" I spoke to them getting a nod. "Be safe" Vallyk told me and I nodded before closing the door leaving the apartment.

Once I got to the trap I seen everyone rushing in and out. Confused I walked up to Kobe asking him what's wrong. "We gotta move to the safe house" I raised a brow. "Why" he groaned. "12 is on our ass last night you missed the drop off and some shit went left" I mumbled curse words under my breath and nodded walking to my dads office. "Don't he already left" Another member said to me. Of course he did always thinking about his self.

Shaking my head I began to help the gang load up.

This is another chapter and I haven't updated two days in a row for a while now so be thankful😊 But that's enough for rn luv you all🙂


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