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Mike came in my room with ice cream and chocolate milk looking at me. "I got you some snacks Because I was hoping we could watch a movie together" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

I shrugged holding my knees to my chest as he took my computer going to find a movie on netflix. "Wanna watch this" he said pointing to The Doll 2 movie. I nodded and he pressed play. He sat the smacks in between us as we Both layed back. I munched on the ice cream as Mike drunk some of the milk which was wired because he doesn't like chocolate.

I shrugged turning back to the movie to see the doll all up in the camera making me gasp hard. "You ok" Mike asked and I nodded. He shrugged and moved his gaze back on the screen.

( After the movie )

After the movie was over we were done with the snacks. I was now tiered from all the ice cream I've consumed making my stomach hurt. "Tired?" Mike asked closing the Mac book putting it on my dresser. "Mhm" I hummed in response.

He got all our trash and threw it away then walked back over to the bed getting in with me. "What are you doing?" I said and he rolled his Eye's. "I'm sleeping with you" He said and I shook my head. "No" He looked at me before looking down.

"Val please" He said and I sighed laying down with my back turnt to him. I heard him shuffling before he settled down. I sighed heavily closing my eyes going to sleep but then they opened.

"Goodnight Val"


I walked in Vallyk's room seeing that him and Mike were sleep facing each other. I smiled but then frowned when I seen Mike's phone.

I turned the phone on reading the messages from who ever this Nike person was.


Bea you said you was gone take me out😣

Where are you?

Mmcht, you not getting nun of this bussy today nigga😑

Fine blow me off🖕🏾

Are you with that curly haired nigga Valley 😐

Fine don't talk.

I glared at the phone before yanking Mike off the bed and dragging him outside the apartment. "Derek what the fuck" He said looking at me. "WHO THE HELL IS NIKE MIKE!" I yelled and he eyes widened. "I don't even know who that is" He said but I pulled out his phone.

He looked at the phone then at me. "Derek I'm sorry, I didn't lie to Val I'm sorry- I cut him off. "Just stop, your braking him even more them he is. My bestie don't need no man to make him happy Expectuly not one that gone fuck with other people" I said.

"Leave Vallyk alone and I mean it" I said throwing his phone at his chest before walking back inside the house slamming the door in his face.


I don't have school tomorrow so yeah we spamming all night, also shout out to my ✨baby. I think she in the comments somewhere, but I'm not sure 🤷🏾‍♀️

Also go read um_no_mf_thx and colby_denning book pls and thank you ✨


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