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I was looking off off the balcony when my phone started to ring, it was Kobe.

I answered the phone not wanting the events from last time to repeat. "Hello" I said into the phone. "Wassup, where you at" he asked. "I'm at a hotel why" I mumbled. "Oh well, you need to get dress we got work to do" he said before hanging up.

"Ole rude ass" I mumbled to my self before putting on my black t shirt and air forces before getting my gun and mask and of course my pendent with the cross on it, always gives me good luck.


Me and Kobe met up and he told me the game plan. We were gonna go rob another bank.

We pulled up and put our mask on and ran to the back. He kicked down the door and I ran in. "HANDS UP!" He screamed and everybody stared in horror quickly putting up there hands.

"EVERYBODY AGAINST THE WALL!" I screamed and they all obeyed. We had already hacked the system before hand so the cameras were off. "go get the money from the back" I said and he nodded.

I walked up behind the computer seeing a safe but it had a code. I took out my gun pointing it to someone's head. "What's the code" I asked him but all I got was soft cries and wimpers. "WHAT'S THE CODE!" I screamed pushing the gun into his head more. "092" he cried, I let him go kicking him as I went back to the safe un locking it to see wads of cash.

I smiled putting it all in the duffel bag. Once I was done I stood up. "BREEEZO!" I screamed and he came running back. "You got it" I said and he nodded. "Let's go" I said but we were stopped.

"FBI PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" Now who called the damn popo. I Looked at Kobe and he looked at me. I clocked my gun back and turned around shooting at them as they shot back. "Take the money to the car" I said and he nodded.

"I'll meet you at the alley way" I said and he nodded again running out as I covered him. I missed Once and ended up getting shot in my arm making me groan.

I got up and ancle ran to the back door shooting back. They all follow suit so I had to pick up my paste. I ran out the door into the street as cars honked but I continued to run.

I seen the alley way and ran for it. I opened the door and Kobe pulled off. After 20 minutes we lost them.

"LET'S GO!" He screamed making me chuckle. "Go back to the trap so I can get patched up" I said and he nodded.


Right now I was making Tik Toks when Derek came in. "Come on Vallyk we gotta get ready" he said. "The party's not until 1" I said and he rolled his eyes. "It's 11" he said and I groaned.

I wore some white wripped jeans with a red and white hoodie with my red and white air forces. Derek wore the same thing but blue and white.

"You look good best" he said and I smiled. "I try" I said and he loughed. "Ok come on" He said and we were off to the party after a couple of hours.

Once we got there I was shocked. It was a big mansion. "Damn" I said and Derek chuckled. "Come on, let's go" he said pulling me to go to the kitchen. I then felt hands around me and I already new who it was. I turned aroun seeing Bobby.

"Hey baby" He said kissing my neck. "Hey" I said bitting my lip. "Ew, it practically looks like your dry fucking" Derek said and I loughed. "Nevermind that my Latino daddy is here" he said before rushing over to Mar as they shared a kiss.

"You wanna dance" Bobby asked turning my chin to look at him. "Sure" I said as he pulled me to the dance floor. It was a random song then simon says came on. (I had already wrote this earlier so🤪)

Bobby smirked grabbing my hips. " Aproch the bed" he said wrapping his arms around me. "Imma get it wet" he sang as his deep voice laced in my ear as he bit it. "Let's play a game called simon says" he said grinding against me. "Simon says spread open your legs" I sang looking at him. "Put yo hands behind your head" he said turning me around. " Simom says Take a deep breath" He said as I looked up at him. "Cause we're gonna make a mess" we finished saying as the same time.

"Y'all so cute, not" I groaned turning around. "Mike get a life" I said and he shrugged. "Shut up Vallyk" he said and I was taken back. "What did you just say" I said and he smirked.

I slapped that smirk clean off his face to. He looked at me with a glare walking up to me. He grabbed my neck making me gasp but Bobby quickly pushed him off.

"Get the fuck away from him yo" Bobby said pushing me behind him. "Shut up you ole hag" Mike said and Bobby punched him dead in his noes. "Oh you done fucked up" Mike said as he held his now bloody noes.

Mike punched Bobby in the jaw and he groan and fell. Mike then kicked him in the side. I was shocked he looked like he was trained. He was gonna reach in his pocket to get something but Kobe pulled him back.

"Y'all needa chill" he said Looking at the both of them. I helped Bobby up and he went to the bathroom. I just shook my head going to the back. I seen there were a whole bunch of boys doing coke.

I walked over and sat down. "Can I get 3 rows please" I asked and they shrugged putting it intont of me. Just like that I started sniffing.

I was on my 2 row when someone handed me a needle. I took it and injected it into my skin feeling satisfied. "Your small to be doing this" He said to me and I loughed. "I've been doing this since I was 10" I said and he looked at me amazed.

"Yeah I know" I shrugged going back to sniffing.

(2 bags of coke later)

I woke up in a bed room with my dick out. I don't even know how or what I did but my head hurt. "I see your up" I heard a voice say and I turned around seeing some random person. "What the fuck happen" I said sitting up and groaning.

"I sucked your dick and we made out" he said and my eyes widened. "Don't look so surprised your the one who came onto me" he said smirking before sitting on the bad as I put my dick back in my pants.

"I need to go, I have a boyfriend and a best friend that will probably whoop my ass if he finds out I did drugs again" I said with a sigh. "Oh wait, I have a boyfriend" I said and shot up putting on my shoes.

"Thanks for the head tho" I said with a wink before rushing out.


I quietly walked in the house but maybe not quiet enough  "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!" I jumped as I turned Around seeing Derek standing with a belt in his hand.

"I fell a-asleep in the h-ouse" I lied and he squinted his eyes st me. "Oh really, so why I got people tagging me in a video with you sniffing crack" he said walking up closer to me.

"And don't think you slick sleeping with Dejuane hoe ass" He wispered in my ear. "I-" he shook this head. "Bend over nigga" I sighed and turned around.


I walked back up to the dude's house that the party was at last night. I found out that this Dejuane mother fuck sucked Vallyk's dick, Derek talks very loud. Oh and yes, while he was beating Vallyk's ass I was listening and once they were done I came back here to kill the nigga.

I nocked on the door and he answered. "Yes"




"Dumb nigga"


I'm bored, so um can y'all update ur story's plsssss 😗

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