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I sighed walking the streets of Vegas. I didn't have a friend to hang with so I was pretty bored.

"Yo" I heard someone wisper from behind me. I turned around seeing Dejuane which made me confused. "Oh snap hey" I said and he smiled. "Wassup" He said smilling happily.

"Where you heading to" he said and I shrugged. "Nowhere in proteciler" I said. "Wanna walk with me" he asked and I shrugged. Soon I started getting cold but didn't say anything. "You doog" He asked and I nodded as my phone started ringing. Looking at the ID caller I seen it was Kobe.

"Wassup Kobe" I said into the phone. "Val where you at" He asked sounding nervous. "I'm out why" I said. "Whyyyy, you know people be trina get at you" He said. "Come home now" He said and I groaned.

"Mike's already coming to pick you up so stay where you at" He said and I huffed. Out of all people they chose him mane Derek just sorry.

"Ok bruh" I said and hung up looking up to see Dejuane was gone. "Ok" I said and got on my phone waiting for Mike. A few minutes later his car pulled up Infront of me.

He got out walking over to me. "You ight" he said and I nodded but he then took off his hoodie putting it on me. "How did you know" I sad trying to hide my blush but failed completely.

"I just new" He said pulling me closer. He smelled good it was as if I didn't just see him earlier. "I looked up at him and his lips but quickly looked away and pulled away.

"Can we go now" I said and he nodded.


Mike had dropped me off and walked me back to the apartment before leaving but when I walked in my room I realized I still wore his hoodie.

I checked his pockets and ending up pulling out a burner phone. I turned on the phone Looking threw the contacts. "Who the hell is Breezo" I said confused as ever. "Who is Pop" I said. "Wait is it Pop smoke because if you say Pop with out the smoke that shii just disrespectful" I said shaking my head.

Suddenly the phone started to ring with the name Pop coming up. I answered of course because I'm nosey like that. "Mike where the fuck you at" The deep voice said. "We gotta Job to do" the voice said. "What kinda Job" I said and he answered. "We gotta shoot a bank up" My eye's widened and I hung up the phone.

I ran to Kobe's room with the phone to see he was gone and so was Derek. But then Mike walked back in and looking at me then the phone. From the look on his face he must be hidding something.

"What the hell is this"



I'm tired but here you go 😪🙃

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