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Bobby held my hand as we walked in the mall of Vegas. He had brought me a whole bunch of clothes that were in the car so now we're just walking.

"So Vallyk" he said and I hummed in response. "Tell me about your self" he said Looking down at me. "Well you already know the basics but I really like to dance some find it funny but I like it" I said shrugging.

"I think it's different, not alot of people I know said they like dancing before it's different" He said smiling making me blush. "Stop" I said covering my face in his arm. "Alright, but do you want anything else" he asked and I thought about it. "Let's get matching hoodie's" I said cheesing hard. "Then you shall receive"


A couple hours later me and Bobby were walking the strip because I didn't wanna go home and niether did he. But then we walked past a flower store and he stopped walking in. I was confused until he came out with a flower.

"This is for you" he said giving it to me. "It's beautiful Bobby, thank you" I said pecking his cheek but he moved his face so I pecked his lips instead. He pulled me by my waist and connected our lips and for the first time I felt free.

The kiss only lasted for a minute but it was the best one minute of my life. We pulled away looking each other. I smiled and he looked down smiling as well.

But suddenly his phone wrung. "Hello" he spoke and I'm guessing the other person answered. "Someoe robbed the bank" he said confused. "Oh, you said the wore house" He said nodding his head. "Yeah I'm on my way" He said before hanging up.

"What's wrong" I asked and he looked down at me. "Somebody robbed the castono's wore house" he said and I looked up in confusion. "Well let's go" I said coming out of my daze.


"Breezo the cops are coming" I said as Kobe killed another worker. "We still didn't get the package" He said turning to me. "we still got tonight, come on before we get cought" I said hearing the sirens get closer. "At least get one of them" he said and I groaned getting a crate.

"Now hury u-" I was cut off by guns going off. I dropped the crate taking out my gun shooting at the police. We shot about almost all of them together. "Go take the crate to the car, imma catch up with you" he said Looking at me. "Breezo I'm not leaving you" I said grabbing his hand. "You have to trust me, imma be alright" He said with those sencere eyes. "Just hurry up" I said getting the crate running out the back door.

I looked to my left seeing a bunch of people Infront of the building but only one person cought my eye. I Looked to see Vallyk there with Bobby. I continued to look until he looked at me. He didn't know who it was because I had on a mask.

He stared with wide eyes. He turned around towards Bobby and that's when I had to go. I quickly ran putting the crate in the car and waited for Kobe. I see him running out wit fool speed towards the car.

"DRIVE!" He screamed but why. "MJ DRIVE!" He screamed again. I cranked up the car as he got in. I put the car in reverse and sped off as police tried to shoot at us.

"Boom" Kobe said with a smirk as the wore house blew up. I Looked back to see the building collapsing. "What about the other crates" I said Looking at him. "I know where there other wore house's are, we'll get it from there" He said and I nodded.


I was shocked when Bobby's body jumped over mine. The wore house was blown up. "Val we gotta go" he said getting up and picking me up bridal style. He opened the door and put me in running to the other side. Once he was in we speeded off before the building got to were we were standing.

"Are you ok" He asked and I nodded. "Alright, imma take you home" he said and I nodded.

Bobby had made it to my house and he was walking me in. "Thank you" I said smiling. "Your welcome" He said also smiling. "Well, I kinda don't want you o leave so do you mind staying for a lil" I asked looking down and he chuckled. "Sure Vallyk"

I smiled and unlocked the door praying that the the house didn't smell like sex.

I opened my eyes to see Mar and Derek watching TV. "Heyyy bestie" I said walking towards Derek. "Hey Val" he looked behind me and smirked. "Don't even" I said taking Bobby's hand and walking towards my room.

"Yo Val" I heard and moved my head towards the person that called my name to see Mike. "Uh Bobby canbyou go I my room for a second" I asked and he nodded walking in and shuting the door. "What Micheal" I said anoyed. "Why is he here" he said mugging me.

"Why are you here" I asked and he rolled his eyes. "I live here" he said in a duh tone. "Mhm, so go back to your room and leave me alone because I have nothing to say to you" I said about to walk in my room but he pulled me back. His grip was tight and it hurt.

"Mike stop, your hurting me" I said as he gripped my wrist more . "MIKE STOP!" I screamed as he tighten his grip even more. "BRO WHAT THE FUCK!" I heard Bobby scream before pushing Mike off of me. Kobe and Derek came to the scene and Kobe took Mike to his room.

"You ok" Derek asked and I nodded slightly. He nodded before going back In the living room Bobby looked down at me hugging me slightly. "You sure you ok" He said and I nodded once again. "I'm ok Bobby" I said Looking up at him. He nodded kissing my forhead.

But really I was hurt.


This is the longest chapter I've done wrote in a while. I feel complete. But yeah, gn loves😘

Sorry for them mistakes 😔

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