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Me and Vallyk had just got back to his house and no one was there. We were just sitting in his room Looking around.

He played with his fingers which I found cute. He looked so innocent but we all know that's a lie. I was brought out of thought when he sat Infront of me. He looked into my eyes and I smiled a little.

We just continued to look at each other. I didn't know what was Gonna happen next so I just sat there looking at him. "I forgive you" He said and for a second I was confused until I remembered earlier and I nodded.

"I'm glad you do" He then leaned back on the bed Looking up at the sealing. "Do you wanna get high" He asked randomly and I shrugged. He then got up going to his closet taking out a box with prerolled blunts in it.

I then took my lighter I had on me giving it to him as he lit it putting it up to his mouth. I watched closely as he sucked in the air before slowly blowing it out.

It looked so attractive to me so I continued watching him Until he looked back at me. "You like Whatcha see" He smirked and I blushed looking away Until he handed me the blunt.

I took it getting a couple puffs in before my eyes became low. We both were out of it but not to the point where we couldnt function.

"Yo Mike" He said and I looked at him. "Uhm I seen someone get murdered and the person told me not to tell because he'll kill me but oh well I don't wanna live anyways" He shrugged and I groaned because I'm the one who told him that.

"What if I say that person was me" He tilted his head laughing. "Mike murdering someone...oh wait" His eyes widened Looking at me. "it was you now that I think about it" He looked at me for a second Before Looking away.

"Is that what you do" He asked and I nodded. "Well I don't care" He admitted which surprised me. "I wanna be with you Mike... I've thought it over and Today you made that thought complete I can't deny I don't like you because I do but do you feel the same" He asked and it's like something took over me.

A spark and before I could react my body moved Before my mouth and I ended smashing our lips together. He didn't waist anytime kissing back either. He pulled away for a second before putting out the blunt once he was done I got back to kissing him.

It was more of a hungry kiss then a loveing kiss and I wanted to feed my emotion into it so I moved my lips slowly as well as my movement in my hips that thrusted against his hard member.

His body relaxed into mine slowly as his movement slowed down as well. After a few minutes I pulled away Looking him in the eyes. "I ain't never been kissed like that" He admitted Chuckling and I did as well. "Vallyk can you teach me how to love" I asked and he nodded putting his hand up to my cheek. "Of course" he wispered Before kissing me again and I smiled.

I finnaly got the boy of my dreams...just gotta keep him.


Well that's the end hoes😁

Jpjp this is where the drama is about to happen so yeah stay tuned sorry for mistakes and the no effert chapter 🤪

Bye now ✌🏾

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