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It was the next morning. The events from last night occurred in my mind. I looked over at a sleeping Vallyk and smiled. He was cuddling into my arm snoring softly. I kissed his forehead before getting up slowly to go to the bathroom.

We didn't have any over night clothes so we slept in our underwear. I walked back over to the bed and checked my phone seeing multiple calls and text from Derek. He was cursing me out and threatening sayin if I hurt Val he'll kill me and that I need to bring him back. But if Vallyk wants me to take him back then I will, not be use someone told me to.

"Babe?" I heard a sleepy voice from behind me say. I turned back around in the bed cuddling into him. "Good morning" his voice hummed on my chest. "Morning mama, how'd you sleep" I asked playing in his hair. "I slept wonderful, you?". "I slept ok, not the best but you were here with me". He looked up at me smiling and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I hate I don't have a change of clothes" he said frowning. "I know when I get back Derek is going to be on Dick and I don't want to even talk about the other issue". I nodded reassuring. "Wait, are you still in contact with that boy you cheated with?" He asked and I shook my head 'no'. I blocked and deleted ever contact in my phone that was unnecessary last night" he then smiled climbing on my lap. "Hey you know some weeks back I seen that Deujuane dude which was weird because I thought he was dead"

I looked at Val with a raised brow confused. I could've sworn I killed bro. "Yeah, I was walking and he seen me and said like two or three things and disappeared. Right before you picked me up"I nodded slowly grabbing my phone. "Ima need to take you back home mama, I gotta handle something". I said placing him beside me and calling my dad beginning to explain everything.

He was screaming at me over the phone for how I wasn't smart and messy with my work and I'm the reason why something dangerous may start to happen. "Igh igh im coming" was all I said before hanging up. "So, do you think you shot the wrong person?" Val asked as we put our clothes back on. I shook my head. Im certain I shot the right person and left him for dead.

How'd he survive that?


Me and Val had got dressed and were on our way back to the apartment. I picked him up some food before making it back to his place. "Be safe please and try to keep me updated..and don't do anything stupid if you see Kobe" he said looking at me sternly with the last part making me groan. "I'm serious" I nodded and gave him a kiss. He kissed back grabbing his food and got out the car.

I watched until he made it inside before pulling off.


I walked in the house and immediately was met with a angry Derek. "Derek before you start he cheated on me too" his mouth dropped in disbelief. "So he went off on you for nun" I nodded going to the table beginning to eat my food. "Yeah but we talked and we're gonna try and do right" he sat beside me taking a bite of my hash brown. "Im proud of y'all, the whole situation was stressing me out" I laughed shaking my head.

"But what are you going to do about Kobe, real question was is Mike going to do?" I shrugged my shoulders drinking my sprite. "I just know he blocked and deleted from this phone" I said sticking my tongue out. "Where's Mar tho? He normally be here" I asked and Derek looked down sadly. "He hasn't talked to me in like 13 hrs so I don't know, I've tried calling but it goes straight to voicemail" I shook my head. "It's ok bestie don't let that get to you. He nodded and turned his frown into a smile.

"Once you get done eating we should go do some shopping, I miss seeing you happy" I nodding returning the smile and finished my food before getting dressed.

Hope you enjoyed.

*not proof read*

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