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  After what Kobe had told me I called Vallyk and he answered right away but before he could say anything I spoke. "What you and Kobe been doing" I asked anger laced in my voice he went quiet before speaking. "nothing what are you talking about" he asked in confusion. "You tell me why Kobe just come up acting secretive about something he said y'all did!" I yelled into the phone. "I ain't do shit Mike so what do you mean Kobe and I are just friends that's it and you know that!" He yelled back but I shook my head. "Nah Bruh the way he came off let's me know y'all did something which means yo ass is lying but it's all good ill see you in a minute" Was the last thing I said before hanging up with out another word.

Putting my phone in my pocket I grabbed the part bit of stuff I was taking put it in NY car and went home. Gripping the wheel tightly I felt my jaw clench as the constant thoughts ran threw my head.

Soon I pulled up to the apartments. I angrily got out and slammed my door walking to out building once I got there I opened the door and slammed it seeing Derek and Mar on the couch. "You good" Derek asked but I said nothing and walked to Vallyks room. Opening the door he was standing as if he was waiting for me. "Mike baby please we didn't do anything" Was the first thing he said but I shook my head. "Your lying stop fucking lying!" I yelled and he jumped. "But I'm not lying!" He yelled as tear began to flood his eyes.

He looked me in the eyes with sadness and it was hard to stare at him because I hated to see him like this. "Stop please I know when your lying to me and the fact your crying to make me believe you hurts more" I spoke calmly and he began to cry harder. "I'm sorry" he whispered and I looked up. "For" I asked and he went quiet for a second. "I cheated on you with Kobe" he spoke looking me in the eyes.

I stared at him for a good minute before shaking my head. "Come again" I asked beginning to laugh. "I cheated" he repeated and I stopped staring of into space. "you cheated" I spoke to myself. "Mike I'm sorry it didn't mean anything" he tried to say walking up to me but I pushed him and he hit his head on the corner of the dresser.

Watching his body fall blood dripped from his head. Derek and Mar ran in seeks what happened. "Mike what the fuck!" Derek yelled but I said nothing watching them help him up. Vallyk and I made contact but I looked away. "It's over" I spoke and he shook his head. "N-no Mike please" He stuttered getting out of Derek's grip. "Baby I'm sorry I love you please don't do this to me" He spoke hugging me crying heavily.

I shook my head moving him away from me. "Nah you got Kobe go keep fucking him and be a hoe I'm done with you" I spoke harshly seeing Derek's eyes widened in shock. With out another word I left.

I missed writing on this book a lot of new ppl have started reading as well 🙃
But we not gone act like Mike didn't cheat too ✋🏾 but that's all babies


~not proof read~

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