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I punched the punching bag letting all my anger out. I hurt him and now he hates more then he did before. "Yo Mike chill" Kobe said but I shut him out.

I didn't wanna talk to him or any body else. "Just leave bro" I said Looking at him. "Your dad said he wants to see you" he said and I stopped. "Why" I asked. "Because you didn't do what I asked" My father said coming in the room shooting me in the leg. "Ahh, dad what the fuck" I groaned out.

Kobe laughed and I flicked him off. "Kobe went and got the crates and you didn't, why" He asked. "I went back home to sleep and Kobe never told me" I said glaring at him. "Next time stay on your A game, now back to training" He said before leaving the gym we had at the main house. "See you later" Kobe said walking out laughing.



Me and Bobby were playing on my PS4 as we laughed at our own joke's. "Val kill him" he said as I focused on trying to shoot him. "NOOO" I screamed and he loughed hard as I died in fortnite. "It's not funny" I said crossing my arms. "Don't be like that" He said kissing me. I smiled kissing back pulling him closer.

Oh and yeah wee together, after talking for a few months he asked me to be his and I said yes. He's treated me right ever since. Mike is just constantly hurting my feelings so I just block him out.

"Ok love birds" Derek said coming in the room rolling his eyes. "Shut it" Bobby said and Derek chuckled. "What do you want" I whined because he always blocks me from getting the D. "Oh, nothing" he said sitting on my bed. Me and Bobby groaned before getting up already knowing our moment was ruined.

"Well imma go, ok" Bobby  said and I nodded. "Imma walk you out" I said putting on my slides. We walked out shared a kiss and he left. "Still with that dead beat huh" I rolled my eyes turning around. "What now Mike" I said anoyed.

"Don't be like that Vallyk" He said walking towards me but I backed up. "Leave, you don't do anything but hurt me so why are you trying to be with me" I asked. "Because I love you" He said and I laughed. "Your trinna be with me because you love me, yeah ok" I said walking away but he pulled me back. "Baby you know I love you" he wispered in my ear rubbing on my ass.

I pushed him off of me shaking my head. " I'm in a relationship Mike, how about you go ask Nike to be in one" I said before walking away completely.


See, he hates me.

I walked back to my car going to the trap. I have nothing to do. Kobe is making drop off's and I'm bored as hell. I wanna cry but why, he doesn't love me anymore. I feel empty with out his joy in my heart but the only thing he feels for me is hatred.

"You ok" My dad said walking up to me. "Yeah" I mumbled scrolling on my phone. "Mike are you sure" he asked and I chuckled. "Why do you care dad, you haven't cared for the last 18 years" I said Looking into his Eye's. "I have cared Michael, just never new how to show it" he said before walking away and I just Chuckled.

I'm bored so I guess I'll rob a bank or something.


GN lovelys 💫

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