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I sighed sitting in the living room watching as Derek and Val made Tik Toks. Val looked happy doing videos with Derek and this time it wasn't forced.

" let's do the Wap one but the remix" Val said to Derek. "Oh ok" Derek said. Vallyk set up the phone and it started. " I wanna coke, I wanna gag I wanna choke, I wantchu to touch that lil thing that swing in the back of my throat" Vallyk mouth the words them Derek starring pushing him against the wall as they looked into each other's eyes.

Once the video was over Val posted it. "Ooouu, Derek look" Val said running to Derek showing him something. "Bitch fuck Bobby Trusty follows you" Derek said and Vallyk started blushing. The two giggled walking to Dereks room talking about what ever.

That's when Kobe came up to me. "We gotta problem and out not gone like it" He said and I looked up at him. "What" I asked and Kobe looked down. " Your father is here and he wants you to join" He said and I looked up with wide eyes.

"Kobe I said no already" I argued standing up. "Mike you have to, you doing this for your family" he said. "Kobe no" I said and he groaned.

"Mike you have to, you made the choice of going back to him so this is the consequence of it" Kobe said and looked mine. "I said no and that is my finial answer"

I said before walking away.


"You think he gone text back?" I said bitting my lip as we waited for Bobby to text back. "Yeah, give it time" we wanted and eventually he answered the text.

' Wassup Ma '

The text read and I started smiling. "He text back" I said and Derek looked back at me. "Let's make him wait, show him were not desperate.

And that what we did, we let him wait.

I don't text quick cuz I ain't thirsty, bitches mad, mad they wanna hurt me. Ah.

Sorry it's so short. I just go finish watching Black Panther and forgot about spamming but I'ma go to sleep now, gn lovelys 💫

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