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Vallyk had desided that he wanted to go out since he was high on heroine he wanted to go to the club to get his mind off things.


I walked in the club with my fake ID going to the bar to get a drink and going to sit infront of the stage where strippers dance. I bit my lip looking at one of them, I felt my member start to grow and the girl I was looking at smirked.

She got up off the stage and started twirking on me. I bit my lip placing my hand on her ass cheek as it bounced up and down. She then turned around facing me still shaking her ass but her boobs were now in my face.

After she was done I took out about $200 dollars in ones giving it to her. "Thanks" she said kindly before walking away swaying her hips. I chuckled to my self taking a sip of my drink but then another female walked up to me but it was actually a boy.

He came and sat on my lap with a smile. "Hey ma" I said in a raspy voice. "Hey" he said grinding on me. I stopped his movement leaning up and kissing him and he kissed back.

Well that was until my phone rung making me groan. I then seen it was Mike so I declined it. "Who's Mike" the boy asked. "My friend" I said shrugging. "Well I have to go sorry to blow you off but here" I said handing him some money he smiled walking away.

I huffed walking out the club driving back home. Once I get there Mike was standing at the door waiting for me.

"Not right now Mike" I said walking past him going to get some water. "Vallyk where were you" He asked making me face him. "Don't worry about it" I simply said pushing past him and walked to my room slamming the door.


What did I do, all I wanted to know was where he was but oh well. So instead I went back to my room going back to sleep.

( The next morning )

I woke up to the smell of food burning. I walked in the kitchen seeing Derek about to burn the house down. "Derek come on now" I said turning off the stove putting the pan In the sink. "Sorry" he said shrugging.

Kobe started laughing while Derek scowled him. "Shut up" he said making me and Kobe laugh while we heard Vallyk come in the kitchen. "Do we have pain pills" he asked. "Why" Kobe asked him.

"Because my head hurts" He said in a duh tone. "Your head wouldn't hurt if you weren't at the club" Derek said showing us a picture of Vallyk at the club last night. "How- oh well" he said drinking some water.

"What do you mean, oh well" I said I did balief. "Mike it's not that serious all he did was go to the club" Kobe Chuckled and I rolled my eyes. "Whatever" I said pushing past Vallyk.


I shrugged taking the pill and fixing me some cearal. "Well imma be in my room call me if you need me" Kobe said walking towards his room. "Imma make a q&a video so bye" Derek said also walking to his room I shrugged finishing up my cereal going back to my own room.

Once again I took out my black box from under my bed taking out the blades walking into my bathroom. I locked the door letting my voices roam my head.

Cut, Cut, Cut!

Yes Vallyk your nothing but a disgrace to this earth!!

Die faggot!

I cried listening to the voices in my head yelling at me to harm my self. I rolled up my sleeve putting the blade towards my skin. I hestently cut my wrist bitting down on my lip. I watched as my blood dropped on the floor from my wounded wrist.

One for being ugly

One for being fat

One for be gay

And one for being a disgrace

I cut my wrist 4 times for every single thing I hate about my self. "I should burn in hell" I cried to myself as I layed on the floor. I didn't wanna live anymore I wanna die, but I'm on this world for a purpose I just have to wait and see what that is.

But in the mean time I'm going to kill my self slowly.


This took WAYYY to long so if y'all don't vote imma be pissed 😤

But it's finnaly done so I hope you liked plus it took me forever to figure out what I wanted the chapter to be about 😒

Writing books is harder then you think but that's all🙃

Dagger dick out😊

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