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Vallyk -

It's been a week or so since me and Mike got together and it's been pretty good. Now that we're together he made me delete all my hoes numbers including Cohen and I did the same to him.

He promised he wouldn't lie to me in this relationship and I did the same but his jealousy is off the charts. We can be walking on the Strip and if he catches someoe looking at me he'll just kiss me infront of whoever being petty as ever but I don't mind.

But then it hit me... I gave his Bestfriend head.

I completely forgot about that and I hope it didn't hurt Kobes feeling that me and Mike got together and if Mike finds out I Fucked the stripper HE seen I'm dead and so is Cohen maybe not Kobe but I dout it.

I was sitting at my desk now freaking out until the man his self Walked in. "hey babes" He smiled coming and putting a bag of food on my desk before kissing my cheek. He fucking bout me food oh my gawd.

"Hey Mikey how was work" I asked and he shrugged. "Ight, we didn't do much but talk about business" I nodded not wanting to get to invested in his business. "But how was yours I haven't seen you all day" He dramatically said pulling me from my chair.

"It was alright but better now that your back" He smiled kissing me something he HARDLY ever does I'm a dead goner. He kissed me before pulling Away quickly. "Oh bae also I get my pay Friday so I can take you shopping and out to eat how does that sound maybe a movie or we can finish what we started" He smirked snaking his hands around to my ass making me blush.

"I'll like that very much" I said Looking back up at him. "Oh really" He asked with the same smirk on his face. "Mhm" I mumbled before connecting our lips feeling him pick me up. I hate myself for this but I don't wanna stop.

But luckily his burner phone rung making me sigh of relief in the inside but in the outside I rolled my eyes. "I just got away from y'all what do you want father" He answered surprising me because if I answered the phone like that to my mama she would have slapped the shit out of me.

"Alright mane I'm coming" He groaned Before hanging up and putting me down. "I'm sorry bub" I nodded kissing his cheek. "I'll suck you off tonight" He wispered in my ear Before kissing me also giving a small smirk jogging out.

I shook my head sitting down but quickly getting up and calling Kobe. "Hell-" I cut him off. "Get over here NEOW" I demanded. "I'm coming what's wrong" He asked what sounded like sheets ruffling in the back ground.

"Just hurry up" I huffed hanging up.


Kobe sat there with his face in his hands. "Vallyk you can't tell him" Was the first thing he said since the last 15 minutes when I told him. "Tell who what" I heard Derek say coming out his room making me groan.

"Ok so one night I was high and I gave Kobe head and Mike is his Bestfriend and now I'm currently his boo thang so we're trying to figure out what's the best way out of this" I told him and he sat there staring at us.

"Did a full 180, crazy" He sang before walking away I smacked my lips. "Derek come on I really love Mike and I don't wanna hurt him so please help" I begged and he groaned. "If your boo come for m it's your ass but my advise is just sit him down and tell him because there is no better way to tell him plus it was before y'all got together" He added and I nodded because it was true.

"Fine but I'mma keep it a secret for a while but when the time comes Mr. Morris you will also be there as well" I spoke. "Me too I gotta see how this goes" Derek said and I rolled my eyes. "Alright I'm going back to my room" I said before doing just that.


Any ideas on what should happen next?

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