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I was high, drunk and in love. With my best friend and the only way to cure that is injecting my self with tons of drugs.

To this point I'm bored with life, so why not go ahead and end it.

I took the needle looking down at my arm for a vain. Since the drugs are thick I had to go slow so it won't hurt as much but not today. I found my vain injecting the drug into me, fast.

I screamed at the pain as my wrist started to bleed. I cried at the burning feeling in my wrist wanting it to stop. That's when I heard banging on my door and it was Kobe.

"VALLYK!" He screamed but I just sat there as I bled out. I started to see black dots and my breaths slowed down. Soo after my sight started to fog up and everything went black.


I heard Vallyk's screams die down making me panic.

"Vallyk" I said but got no answer. "Vallyk" I said a little louder but still didn't get an answer. I ran back to my room getting a bobby pen and running back to his door opening it.

I ran in seeing my best friend on his bed with a heroine needle in his vain. "No, no, no" I ran up to him and it was pills and other needles surrounding him.

I looked at him and his eyes were open looking up. I checked to see if he was breathing but hs wasn't. "Vallyk please" I said wrapping his wound.

I cleaned up his mess hidding the drugs before slidding on my slides and running to the car before racing to the hospital.

Once we got there they stiched him up gave him oxygen and medicine then left. Now Val was in the bed still sleeping but the Doctors said he'll be up soon.

I sat in my chair praying he was alright but then Derek came running in with tears in his eyes. "Derek" I got up hugging him as he cried on my shoulder. "Shh, it's ok" I Wispered in his ear but he wouldn't stop. "This is all my fault, I should have never left" He cried out mad at his self. I shook my head pulling him from my shoulder.

"It's not your fault Derek, ok" I said and he nodded whiping his tears and looked towards Vallyk who was looking at us crying silently.

"Omg Vallyk" Derek said running up and hugging him. "I'm sorry D, I'm so sorry" I heard Vallyk muffle into Derek's shoulder. "It's ok bub, it's ok" Derek strocking his hair. "I don't wanna be like this, I don't wanna live Derek, the voices they always day I'm a disgrace and fat because I'm a faggot and no one likes a fag" He cried out and Derek looked back at me.

"I'm so disgusting Derek, I even had a dream that I kissed you and had sex with Mike" he admitted still crying. "Derek I don't know what to do, I have feelings that are to strong to control and I wish he feels what I feel but he'll just make fun of me and never be my friend ever again"

Derek looked down letting a tear slip from his eyes, he never liked to see his bestie in this state niether of us did Vallyk's always been the baby of the group so when it comes to him it's different. "Val, baby it's ok, your not a faggot you are whatever you wanna be and for the voices don't listen to them because your beautiful in every way. I can't take away your feelings for this person that they go towards only you can do that" Derek said and Vallyk looked at him.

"But Derek why do I feel this way for him" He asked Derek. "I don't know" Derek sighed but I raised an eyebrow.



Idea from um_no_mf_thx

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