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It was the middle of the night when I felt somebody come lay in bed with me. I opened my Eye's seeing the girl from earlier.

"Oh shit" I said Looking around. "You gotta go" I said and she looked confused. "Why baby" she said and I shook my head. "Nah, you was just a quick nut now go" putting on my boxers starting to take the sheets off the bed.

She huffed putting back on her clothes and left the apartment. I huffed taking of the sheets until I felt a presence beside me. I Looked to the side seeing Derek.

"Derek" I asked and he looked me up and. He looked high on something that's then he held up a needle, my needle.

"No, no, no" I took the needle a threw it. "Derek what the fuck" I said panicking. "Val chill, it's not that plus it was only that one time" he said shrugging making me sigh.

"Go sit down over there while I make this bed ok" he nodded doing what I said. After making the bed I told Derek to lay in it and so did I.

We just sat there until I randomly layed my head on his chest. "Derek" I wispered and he looked down at me indicating he was listening. "I'm Bi" I said and he raised and eye brow.

"You like boys and girls" he asked and I nodded. "Your the first I came out to so please don't tell anyone" I said and he nodded. "I understand, your DL shii I was to before I came out. But don't think your different just because you like what you like I think it's very unique to like the same gender"

He said making me smile a little. "Really" I asked still smilling and he nodded. "Your beautiful Val and never forget that" he wispered looking looking down at me.

I parted my lips to say something but nothing came out. I Looked at Derek as he looked down at me. He slowly started moving closer to me and so did I. Soon after we were nose to nose.

He then took it upon his self kissing me softly. I kissed back and when I did I pulled away. I Looked forward shocked.

Derek stayed silent and so did I only you could hear was the rain pooring done on my window. I Looked at me door seeing Dark brown eyes looking back at me. The person gasped before walking away.

Derek looked at me before getting up but I pulled him back. "I'm not mad at you Derek, plus I liked it" I said and he smiled slightly. With that he left. I sighed walking out my self.

I walked to Mike's room and opened the door. He wasn't in there so I went in his bathroom and he was seating on the counter crying.

"Mike" I wispered silently and he looked up at me. "W-what" mumbled whipping his tears. "What's wrong" I asked and he got down.

"I have some type of feelings for this person that I can't control. It makes me go Crazy because I don't want these feelings but the person it's so pure and I wanna be with him yes I said him and I don't know what to do I'm not gay so why so I have these feelings"

He cried looking at me. "But it dosen't matter because I wouldn't dare inter act with my feelings towards the person" he said suddenly turning around and walked back to the sink washing his face.

After he whipped his face I don't know what took over me but for some reason I pulled him in a kiss. He kissed back to picking me up. I grabbed the sides of his face picking depending the kiss.

We them pulled away.

"Your so gay"



"I know that was no damn dream"


Not proof read 😙

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