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*use this pic as a reference for what the foyer of the house looks like when i start talking about it later*


My morning with Harry wasn't exactly what I wanted it to be,  I don't think he expected it to go that way either. It didn't end on a bad note, which was good. Although, I knew there was still a bit of tension between us, I'm sure I'll pass by the next time I see him.

I was dreading lunch. Liam and I were supposed to talk about everything, he said there was something he needed to tell me too. I hate when people say that, it stresses me out. And considering Harry's assumption, I was so nervous. Even if it was true of not it was still in the back of my mind.

~"He's in love with you, darling."~

What if it was true? What am I supposed to do?

Liam is probably the most amazing guy I know. Any girl would be incredibly lucky to be his girlfriend, just not me. I don't know if I could ever feel anything for him other than just being friends. I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship, I don't want to lose him.

My head was spinning a million miles a second. I couldn't concentrate on anything in class, everything coming out of my teachers mouth sounded like blubber and gibberish. All I could think about was Liam. I feel so bad for him because let's say he actually does have feelings for me— I've ranted to him about guys, told him about random guys I think are hot, fuck I literally kissed Harry right in front of him. I'm such a terrible friend.

But, Harry could have just been talking out of his ass. Maybe Liam makes him jealous because he's my best friend and happens to be male, so maybe he wanted to make up a story. I don't know why Harry would feel the need to do that, I think it's obvious that I'm starting to like him.

Shit, did I really just admit that?

Do I like Harry?

I think I do.

It's been quite a while since I genuinely liked someone. I have minor crushes here and there, but I don't think I've liked someone like this since middle school. It's kinda exiting.

The lunch bell rang— scaring me out of my thoughts.

I gathered my belongs and made my way out of my class, when I got out Liam was waiting outside my classroom already. He was wearing regular jeans and hoodie that I bought him for his birthday last year. He swears it's his favorite but I think he just wears it for me.

"Hi Li." I murmed while hooking arms with him, we began to walk away from the class door and deeper into the school hallway. I was trying my best to break the tension from last time I saw him right away.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled turning his head to look at me in the eyes.

"You already said sorry."

"That was over text, I need to apologize in person." He looked back around the crowded hallway of people. "Can we go to my car?"

"Yeah." I answer.

I was drowning in this pool of people. Liam grabbed my hand and lead me past the wave of people and made our way outside. It was cold again, as usual. The sky was grey— it would probably start raining soon. My shirt wasn't very thick so I was absolutely freezing.

We got out into the parking lot, Liam lead me over to a car but it wasn't his. "Who's car is this?" I ask.

"My moms, she let me borrow it while mines getting fixed."

I accepted his explanation and we got in. He immediately turned the cars engine on and then turned on the heater.

"I'm sorry." He says picking up our convocation from the hallway.

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