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I woke up so the sound of the car turning off.

My eyes flutter open, adjusting to the light and seeing Harry directly next to me, who was also sound asleep. His arms were still around me from when I had scooted closer to him, his head lulled to rest on my shoulder and my own head on his.

We were back at my foster home, which confused me completely, but I didn't question it right away seeing how Harry was sleeping and I didn't want to speak yet.

I look to the front seats, Liam trying to wake up Zayn who was passed out as well, shaking his shoulder as the tired boy groans and complains.

My hand was placed on Harry's forearm, I begin to lightly rub over his skin to wake him up. "Harry" I whisper close to his face, lost in how peaceful he looked. I felt bad disturbing him.

Slowly he shifts, squeezing his grip around me tight into him. He seems to still be half asleep, not knowing where we were. By the way he was holding me, I assume he thought we were back at his apartment or somewhere else private.

His eyelashes laid pretty on his upper cheeks, his breathing was slow and calm like he was just waking from a deep sleep. Mesmerized by his features, I lean up and place a sloppy kiss near his jaw, just under his ear.

"Harry." I repeat myself, this time right next to his ear and a little louder. I see his lips curl into a smile, telling me he was now awake. Part of me thinks he might have been faking that the whole time.

He slowly peels his eye lips open, tilting his head to look at me. He looked so sleepy, his eyes a little puffy and not as red as they were when we had left.

I feel a lot better, I really needed that nap. I'm practically sober by now, trying my hardest to push past the fear I had while at the beach.

Harry and I sat there looking at each other for a couple seconds, his hand coming up to place lightly on my cheek, leaning in to kiss my lips.

"Ow!" I hear Zayn whine. "You fucker, what was that?!"

My little moment with Harry was interrupted, us both pulling away and focusing our attention to the front of the car.

"I was shaking you and you wouldn't wake up." Liam replies, acting like he had no idea why Zayn was so worked up.

"So you pinch me?!" Zayn mutters, rubbing his bicep in the spot I assume was hurting.

"It was the only logical thing to do." The other bickers.

I turn back to Harry, playfully rolling my eyes over the two in the front seat, pulling Harry's head close to mine and kissing him once. We both smile into the kiss, both of us feeling much better.

I hear Liam flip around to look back at us, cutting our sweet kiss short at his interruption.

"Must you do that in my car?"

Harry and I both chuckle awkwardly, finally splitting our bodies away from each other.

"Why are we here?" I ignore him and refer to the familiar gate and front lawn of the home I was at just this morning.

"We got back before we expected too, still have about thirty minutes before the movie starts." He informs me. "Stopped by Zayn's place for him to change, and your's was on the way so we figured you might want to change too."

I look over at Zayn, realizing he was in different clothes and no longer wearing Liam's dirty sweats and instead wearing a pair of jeans along with his signature leather jacket.

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