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"Baylin?" My mother knocks on the door again— sending startled jitters through my spine.

Still being a little hazy, I couldn't think fast enough to process the fact that my mother didn't know Harry was in my room. Luckily for us, Harry had a brain for the both of us right now.

Harry stood up to his feet and was quick to pull me up with him, pushing me towards the door while he snuck into my closet. I giggled at how worried he seemed—his eyes were large and breaths seemed rushed. I probably should have been more serious about this, but couldn't find the reasons to care.

Once Harry was tucked away behind the closed closet door, I continued the steps to my bedroom door and unlocked it then proceeding to turn the knob.

My mom stood with a steaming mug, of what I assumed the tea, and greeted me with a warm smile.

"Were you taking to someone?" She questions, making the nerves in my stomach dance.

"Um no, I was um.." I think of a quick lie, wishing Liam was here to do it for me. "Zayn."

"Zayn's here still?" She furrowing her browns and peers to look in the room behind me, seeing it empty then looking back to me.

"N-No, I was on the phone with him. He was calling to make sure you got home." I hate lying, not to mention I suck ass at it.

"How sweet, give him nice wishes for me."

I let out an unnoticeable sigh of relief when she bought my lie.

"I made some chamomile before heading to bed. Thought I'd bring you some, to help you sleep." She said in a quiet soothing voice, reaching the yellow colored mug out for me to take. She took a second to realize that I had changed into pajamas, "I wasn't sure if you were still awake, but I hear talking and I assumed you were."

Chamomile tea did sound very nice, my head was beginning to pound— hopefully it'll sooth it.

My mother use to make Maya and I tea before bed all the time, I missed it a lot.

"Yeah I was still awake, about to head to sleep though." I mumble taking the mug out of her hand— wrapping both my hands around the warmth of the ceramic. The warm heat under my palms felt really nice. "Liam went to sleep?"

"Yeah." She answered shortly cocking her head to the guest bedroom across the hall.

I could tell there was something on her mind, but I knew it was a bad idea to act upon asking what she was thinking about since there was a random boy in my closet at the moment.

I dipped my head down a little, bring the cup to my lips to take a sip. The soothing liquid was hot, not hot enough to burn me, it was the perfect temperature to bring a smooth sensation to my throat.

"Mmm." I hum in reacting to the tea. "This'll help, thank you."

She puts her hand over one of mine in a way to say 'your welcome' without any verbal words.

I heard a small noice come from my closet, making my heart stop and my stance stiffen.

"Okay, now finish that and get some sleep." She whispered. "First thing when you get back from school, we'll talk, Okay?"

Thank god, she didn't hear the noise.

"Okay. Goodnight mom." I say with a fake yawn— just wanting her to leave as soon as possible.

"Goodnight baby." She said turning to walk towards her own bedroom.

Thank god for my clueless mother, I don't even want to think of how she would have reacted if she knew where was a strange boy in my closet.

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