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An hour later we're heading back home to Harry's apartment. It's nearly ten by the time we pull into his parking lot, all four of us get out of the car and walk to the lobby.

Harry insisted on grabbing food on the way home, convinced me I would feel better after I had eaten real food. Which he was right about, I felt a lot better— though who knows if it was the food or the orgasm that Harry gave me prior.

I still felt unstable, the ghosting memory of his fingers, almost like I could still feel them. The exhilarating adrenaline rush he gave me each time I would glance to the front seat to see Liam and Zayn watching Grease. It isn't like this was the first time Harry had touched me, but the publicity of it made it all more worth the while.

By the time we actually got inside Harry's apartment, I felt like myself again. It's been hours since I had smoked, the effects of the drug were completely worn off by now. The entire beach trip felt like a foggy memory, the faint remembrance of seeing my sister— I can barely remember if that had actually happened, and I was too terrified to bring it up and ask.

Harry and I were even more touchy after what happened in Liam's car, he couldn't keep his hands off me. Whether it was a hand on my thigh, guiding my hips as we walked, or even as simple as tugging on the pockets of the sweater I was wearing. I've come to notice that about him every time we're sexual with each other, he is always so soft and caring afterwards. It's like he wants nothing but to be gentle with me and be next to me, he needs to caress me as if to take care of me.

"Do you still want to go to that party?" Harry asks me when the four of us all slop down on his couch in unison, looking at a text on his phone. "Jamie's asking if I'm going."

"Do you want to go?" I mumble, getting comfortable between Harry and Zayn— Liam on the opposite end of the couch.

"It's up to you. If you want to go, we'll go." Harry replied.

I hate when people leave decisions up to me, I can never seem to make the right choice. Because truthfully I did want to go, I want things to go back to normal. Or at least go somewhat back to normal, because I don't think things will truly go back to normal anytime soon. But I want the boys to go have fun, so maybe this will be good for all of us.

"So let's go." I said, smiling at them so they know I'm serious.

Harry pushes on his thighs to help himself up, turning to lend me a hand to help myself up as well.

"We should go soon before it gets too late, it's already ten. We won't stay for too long."


I can hear faded music in the distance. As we drive closer to the familiar house, the music only gets louder. We parked a little down the street since there were no open spots out front, took no more than five minutes to get up to the house.

It was freezing and pitch dark outside, my legs were frozen solid and my cheeks felt frosted over. You could faintly see our breath in the dim December air. And me being the idiot I was, decided to leave my jacket in the car. Liam even told me to bring it but I refused.

Harry walked right up to the porch, to which I thought he would knock on, but just pulled on the knob and the door came swinging open. Right away I smelt the stench of alcohol and an undertone of marijuana, a conversant smell as the last time I was here.

I link my arm though Harry's as we walk down the front hallway that was filled with people chatting with drinks or smokes in their hands, while others were doing not so innocent things to one another. Harry and the boys didn't seem phased.

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