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The short walk back to the blanket with Baylin was quiet. We strolled side by side, my hand hovering her lower back as a way to ease back into the normality of touch. It wasn't awkward or anything, but there was still a reminisce of our argument in the air around us. The feeling felt similar to the walk of shame, the same feel of low embarrassment.

It had gotten much colder now, the sun completely set and the sky filled now with leaking dull colors of oranges and dark blues. The colors bled into the grey clouds, making everything seem rather bland.

Though our minor argument has ended, I could sense her still feeling restricted from me. I don't fully know how to put it into words, her frame of mind just seemed distant, as if she was lost in her thoughts. I would give anything to know what was working though that head of hers.

Insecurity washes over my body in waves, one second I feel like she is just trying to push past our bump, and the next I start questioning if she lied about accepting my apology— or about hers.

I really was sorry. If I hadn't been such a prick to her today, maybe this day would have ended better. But it wasn't over yet, I can still make it up to her.

The guys were planning on going to a drive-in movie later, it was going to be the second part of our little surprise filled day. We were supposed to be keeping it a surprise from Baylin, but considering the eventful afternoon, it got lost in my mind anyway.

Baylin was hugging her body, wrapped herself tighter in the sweater I had given her. She was staring down at her feet, kicking at the sand aimlessly as she took each step.

I couldn't pinpoint her emotion.

Maybe I shouldn't have kissed her while she was just about to rant about who knows what, probably about how much of an asshole I had been. I kissed her so that I wouldn't have to hear it, I didn't want to hear her degrade me with such frustration. I couldn't stand to hear her talk to me like she wanted nothing to do with me. She looked so done with me.

The obvious rage in her face, the way her shoulders hunched while I spoke, her retaliating remarks making her cheeks glow red, it was like watching a fire alarm go off.

A part of my brain really thought that she was about to tell me to go fuck myself and just leave me here stranded on the beach. Leaving me to wonder if she had broken things off with me. I'm so grateful she had patience and it didn't escalate to that extent.

Just her behavior was so unlike her, I didn't know what to expect. We have never talked to each other like that before, never got in a fight that made me think she was seriously complaining us. I know it might not have seemed so serious from the outside, but the hurt in her face when I yelled at her is what got me thinking.

In a subconscious way, when I kissed her it was to make sure I hadn't lost her.

The idiotic thought was quickly pushed away when I saw how she relaxed into the kiss, and when she started kissing me back was when I knew this would blow over and go away. Even when she pushed me away, I still knew I would still have her at the end of this.

And as for me, my own head was filled with the dread and guilt of the aftermath of our fight.

I felt so terrible for yelling at her like I did, I had lost my temper and didn't mean to. She wasn't prepared for that, and honestly neither was I. I never thought I would raise my voice at her like that, and I shouldn't have. I saw how hurt she looked the second the tone left my mouth and immediately I came to regret the loss of control.

I had just gotten so angry over the fact that she wasn't taking this as serious as I had wanted her to. Which I can't even blame her for, she doesn't even know half of the reason I don't want her living with Niall.

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