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"Why the sudden change of heart, Styles?" Louis' tone sounded more worried than anything as he sat in the passenger seat of my car. "You scare me when you get like this."

"Get like what?" I push, ignoring the first question entirely.

"For starters, you're driving sixty in a forty mile per hour street and you're gripping the wheel like it just fucked your girlfriend." He frets, not using the best choice of a fictional example considering my circumstances.

His concern made me a bit more aware of my surroundings. I take my foot off the excelerator and let the car glide to a slower speed, also rolling out my shoulders to lessen the tight tension in my body.

"Sorry." I mumble, cracking the stiff bones in my neck.

"Did Baylin text you?" Louis says, the sound of her name sending my stomach into twirls. "Is that what this is about?"

The text from so-called 'Zayn' of the horrid images are still fresh in my memory, it's been no more than ten minutes since I had seen them, but they have been sitting in my phone for hours— which the thought of makes my skin crawl.

"No, she didn't."

"Then what?" The boy prys for an answer.

I don't want to tell Louis about the photos of Baylin and Liam, I don't want anyone to know. If I show him, he'll more than likely understand why I changed my mind about the party and end up trying to convince to not do something I'll regret.

But the purpose of going out tonight is to regret it.

Making bad choices is my forte when it comes to needing a temporary fix to my issues.

I plan on making many bad decisions tonight. Baylin and I aren't together anymore, which was her idea. If she can go and fuck around with a useless piece of shit, so can I.

I"m not going to just sit back and watch while she makes a toy out of my heart and plays with it until it beakes right in half. She should be the one feeling this kind of hurt, not me— I used her for a bet after all, didn't I?

"Harry, slow down." Louis murmurs, fidgeting in his seat.

I feel the speed of the car getting faster and faster, yet I don't acknowledge it.

"It's none of your fucking business, alright? Drop it." I demand, snapping due to the anger racing through me. I need to take my anger out on something, and Louis unluckily happened to be with me. "You wanted to go to the fucking party in the first place, so just be happy I'm going."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the number showing me how fast I'm going getting higher and higher. The light revving sound of the tires speeding up rings through the quiet street.

"Okay, sorry. Slow the fuck down." Louis grows more and more rigid.

My mind is completely somewhere else, the sound of Louis' voice goes in one ear and out the other. I can feel the concentration of my driving steer off into the pool of stress, no longer paying attention to how much pressure I was putting on the accelerator.

The only thing that eventually pulls me out of this state of mind is the chirp sound of my phone. The second the bird sound of my text tone fills the tense air in the car, I snap back into reality. Instantly I release my foot from the pedal, watching my speed go down from the high level of 85.

"Thank fucking—" I hear Louis exhale, getting back tend his phone.

I glanced at my phone to find that the text was yet another text from 'Zayn', I quickly snatched my phone from the center console so that Louis wouldn't see. It sounds another ding when I pick it up, signaling another single text.

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