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The social workers will be arriving very soon, the amount of anxiety bottled up in me is making me bound off the walls. I can't seem to sit still for more than five minutes.

I changed into a pair of light blue jeans that were rather baggy on me, staying in Harry's shirt that I planned on taking with me when I leave.

Harry and I have spent the past couple packing up my things, he was so kind to help.

Most of my belongings are still at my real house, which is still being investigated and I don't plan to return any time soon. Who knows what's going to happen to it.

It's weird to see all the things I had with me being packed up into a tiny suitcase when I've gotten so used to the little drawer in Harry's room that he gave me.

I haven't been very talkative as Harry and I packed. I don't think I've said anything more than two seconds in the past hour. Harry was talking but he tried to avoid the whole foster thing, or the sob sich about me leaving. He seemed to be trying to distract me by talking about nonsense.

I am going to miss his distractions.

It was cute to see how obviously saddened he was that I won't be staying with him anymore, his entire energy was so blue after the other boys left.

Over these past few weeks, I've come to realize that Harry is rather protective over me. So having me away from him while I am still very much in danger with the letter situation, was terrifying him.

"I'm coming with you." He murmurs after a long silence.

"To where?"

"When you go to meet the family," He says, leaning his elbows on his knees. "I'm coming with you."

I walk over to where he was, standing right in front of him as he sat on the center of the couch. He was looking up at me with his hair still rather messy.

"Harry, you don't have to." I tell him, sitting on his lap and draping one arm around his shoulders. "Will you even be allowed to?"

"I don't care, I'm not letting you stay with a family that's going to treat you like shit. I want to meet them." He spoke determined.

"I don't know if they'll let you."

As much as I wanted him to come, I don't want him to interfere with this. If whoever comes to take me tells me he can't come, then that's that. I don't want to have a reason for this family to hate me— having my... whatever Harry is, tag along isn't the best idea.

Harry looked very dejected over me turning him down, his eyes dodged mine as his hand came to soothe the side of my thigh.

"I'll ask when they get here, but if they say no then you'll have to listen to that." I offer him. "Yeah?"

He looks back to me and nods his head, still a look of desolation on his face but still places a kiss on my lips. Even by the way he kissed me I could tell everything about this was bothering him.

It bothered me too, being sent off to an unknown family terrified me. I don't know them at all, and by the stories Louis and Harry have told me, I know how harsh some foster families can be. I can only hope they won't be so bad, or at least be lenient. Maybe they'll be cool and I can convince them to let me come stay with Harry sometimes.

I'm really going to miss this, spending all my time with him, the random little things he would do for me, waking up next to him, his T-Shirts, the cute little plants around his apartment.

By morning I'll be waking up in a random bed, in a random room, in a random house, and with a random family.

I still haven't been told a single thing about them, don't even know if it's a couple or a single person. The only thing I do know, is that I'm not the only kid who they're fostering. At least I won't be alone, hopefully they're nice and I can befriend them.

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