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The classroom was noisy, all the kids chatted and were up out of their seats while they were waiting for Ms. Sun to start the class. When I walked in, she immediately came up to me.

Her long blonde hair was flowing down her shoulders, a very 'teachery' cream cardigan laying long on her arms. She wrapped the ends around her body and smiled.

"Baylin, honey, how are you doing?" She walked my way, clamping her hands together and looking sincere.

"Okay." I shrug like I have so many other times today.

"I was waiting to talk to you before I started, I just wanted to check up on you on your first day back. I know you've probably been bombarded all day long with these kind of conversation, so I'll make it quick." She places a hand on my shoulder, "If you want to talk to someone please don't hesitate to come to me, I know the school counselors can be rough to communicate with."

"That really means a lot to me," I tilt my head, being truthful, "I definitely will."

"Is there anything you need before we get started?" She asks, smiling sweetly at me.

I scratch my neck, suddenly feeling a little nervous to ask. "Um actually, I was going to head home. I'm really not feeling too well, today's been a little overwhelming and I just-"

"You don't owe me an explanation," She waves me off, "Go on, get some rest. I'll pretend I never saw you leave."

"Thank you Ms. Sun, seriously." I fake a tired lazy tone to my voice.

She sends a discreet wink my direction and begins speaking to the class, calming them down and starting whatever she was going to teach.

I walk back out the door and find Harry in the same spot I left him, leaning against the lockers. He's on his phone and looks up the second the door opens beside him.

"That was fast." He says shoving his phone into his pocket.

"I told you I'd be quick."

We walk down the empty hallways, hand in hand, quietly enjoying the blissful company of one another. Our shoes slapped and squeaked against the shiny school floors, the light at the end beaming through the large glass exit.

I was strangely in a good mood, a great mood in fact. I can't decipher what is making me feel so happy all of the sudden. All weekend has been a living hell, but last night, screaming off that building then meeting with Harry for quick fun— I feel so content with myself. It's strange.

I'm past all the stares and comments I've been hearing all day long. Liam gave me a little speech during lunch that really boosted my confidence and helped me ignore it.

I also haven't thought about Maya or Detective Williams since before lunch, it somehow slipped my mind throughout the day. And that's exactly what I wanted. That's why I wanted to come back to school, it distracted me.

I'll need another distraction soon or it just might come back.


The moment Harry and I are alone together in his apartment with the front door locked, we are ripping each other's pants off.

The whole car ride back Harry seemed a little on edge, he gripped the steering wheel tighter than normal and his body was stiff. I tried to help him out and soothe him by letting my hands explore his thighs while he drove, running my fingers up and down his leg while getting teasingly close between them.

The building sexual tension I caused in the car made it impossible for us to keep our hands off each other when we got back to the privacy of his apartment.

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