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When Jim came home Sunday afternoon, he was surprisingly tame. I was preparing myself for the episode to play out like it did last time he came home from one of his 'work weekends', but came back exceedingly tired. He left Niall and I money for some dinner instead of making it himself, and went to bed extra early. Niall said he must have been on a different kind of drug, one that could make him tired and drowsy instead of how he got last time— which is good for us.

I was relieved to say the least, I don't want to have to stand by and watch Jim charge at Niall like he did last week.

With the money he left us, Niall and I ordered a Pizza— which I wasn't in much of a mood to eat. I was still dwelling on finding Zayn's dead cat on my doorstep, which seemed to have taken away my appetite. The house still smelled like shit from it, we've made note to leave a couple windows open.

Jim was already fast asleep and by the time Niall finished eating, and by the sounds of his drastic snores coming from behind his bedroom door, I think it's safe to say he isn't waking up any time soon.

Niall tried to get me to go to that Party he told me about earlier for nearly an hour, he kept saying it would be good for me to get out of the house. And I'll admit, I need the distraction, but I don't think going to a party is going to feed that need.

Eventually Niall gave up on getting me to come with him, he offered to stay home with me but of course I declined and said he should go anyway. He left soon after, leaving me alone in this huge house— well technically Jim is home, but he might as well not be since he won't be conscious anytime soon.

The second Niall was gone, I shut my phone off. I don't trust myself around a device that could potentially send risky texts to risky people in 'heat of the moment' breakdowns.

I don't want to think about Harry, or the case, or anything tonight for a single second. I want to go back to before everything, even to before I met Harry— before that bet was ever made.

I spent the night playing mellow music and getting some late school work done. I know it's winter break, but most of my teachers gave work anyway— though I doubt they expect anyone to do it.

As I sat on my bed with my laptop open, I tried to picture myself in my old bedroom. Hearing the sound of Maya on the phone with Zayn from her room across the hall, the daily bickering between the two while my mother made dinner downstairs.

All back when my only worry was schoolwork and deadlines.

I scrolled through my missing and due assignments hoping to find something that would spark my interest in the moment. I don't feel like doing any research for my history paper that's due the week after we get back, nor do I feel like forming math equations.

Then, I find an email from my art teacher.

Hello Students,

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas break and spend it well with your family and close ones. I hate to be the kind of teacher to demand work on your time off, but I have to remind you all that your semester project is due the first day back on January 4th. Please make sure to get whatever it is you chose to do, as well as the essay portion, done before then. Reminder, it's 100 points so it'll make or break your starting grade average to spark the new year.

Have a safe and fun break everyone!

Happy Holidays,
Mr. Davis

Shit. I had totally forgotten about that art project.  I've known about it for months and now I have to scrap something up at the last minute.

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