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"What does it say?" Zayn question from across the cafeteria tables.

I didn't answer him and instead I read over the mysterious anonymous note, over and over and over again— until my stomach acids felt like it was burning a hole through me. Each time I read it made it only harder to keep going, yet for some reason by body didn't allow me to stop.

The blue words scribbled in pen across the white paper that I clenched in my hand was sharply imprinting in my brain. If someone asked I could probably recite it word for word by now.

"Bay, read it." Liam murmured in a calm yet commanding voice.

I parted my lips to speak yet nothing was able to come out. I felt my throat go dry and my palms holding the paper were damping with sweat. I couldn't control the fact that my face was burning up, I just knew I was bright pink. My eyes began to swell with bringing tears.

No. I can't let this get to me, I can't let something dumb like this both me.

I wasn't answering either of the boys and since I was not budging, Liam grunted something under his breath and leaned over the round table and swiftly yanked the paper out of my grasp. The second the paper slipped away from my fingers I felt like the trance of me being engulfed by the page was lifted. I took in a unsteady but deep breath and wiped the tears from my eyes that had yet to fall.

Liam held the paper in his hands and began to read over it, Zayn angled his body closer to him so that he could read it as well. It felt like an entire lifetime went by as they read the few lines, I couldn't help but wait in agony. Both of then had a bland numbness expression. As they read on, I could see Liam's expression change to vexation, while Zayn's changed to sorrow.

Two completely different reactions.

"Who the fuck is 'us'?" Liam sharply quotes the sign off.

"It could be anyone." Zayn answers.

My eyes swarmed with emotion again and I quickly blinked away tears, I can't seem bothered by this while I was this out in the open— whoever sent the note could be watching me react and I'm sure that's what they wanted. So, I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of knowing that this did in fact bother me, very much.

So, I tried my best to look naturally untrouble by the hurtful words and assumptions.

I reached in my backpack and pulled out my half eaten granola bar from this morning and began to pick it apart and put small bits of it in my mouth. I tried not to make eye contact with the two worried boys in front of me because I could tell they were both looking at me and waiting for me to react.

I still couldn't bring myself to form words— I feel like if I tried to speak I would only break down crying.

Even if the rumor was true, which it isn't, why would someone even feel the need to say something like that to me? It's just so unnecessary and rude.

"People don't know what they're talking about." Liam murmurs in a slight whisper.

"Yeah, don't let this get to your head, okay?" Zayn agrees.

They waiting for my response and since I hadn't given them one since before I had read the note. Now that I have, I was just quiet.

"I won't." I blatantly reply with a soft voice.

They both glanced at each other for a second before turning back to me— which told me that neither of them believed my words. And they were right considering it already had gotten to my head.

"I'll figure out who wrote it." Liam states, seeing right through me and that it clearly bothered me.

"You don't have to." I say quietly. "I don't want to know who wrote it."

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