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TW: sexual assaults, if your uncomfortable with that skip this chapter

When the door the fully closed he began to step closer to me. Making me back up with each step. I soon had no more room to back up and I hit the wall. The cold tile wall felt like pure ice on my bare shoulders and back. My spine shivered. 

Niall continued to walk forward.

"Niall what are you-"

He placed a finger over my lips, as if to say 'shhh'.

"Did you know I also had a crush you in 4th grade, but everyone told me it was weird to like a 2nd grader so I chose to ignore you." he murmured softly.

"Um, n-no." I stuttered. I know my seven year old self would be freaking the fuck out right now. 

He filled the gap between us, pressing his hips onto my own. Our faces inches apart. His foot was placed between my two while the other one was to the side, causing his knee to land in between my legs. Both of his hands were propped up on the wall next to my head.

"Niall maybe we should just get back-" I nervously said. 

He placed his finger back over my lips, then back on the wall once I stopped speaking.

I wasn't sure if I was very comfortable with this happening. Don't get me wrong, Niall is very attractive and any other time I would happily be in this position. But for some strange reason I just didn't want to. Maybe it was because Harry was literally in the same building as us right now, or the fact that we were in a public restroom.

"Did you know that I tried to ask you out this year?" He tilted his head while he talked.

"When?" My breath shaking. I didn't know what else to say.

"In the beginning of the year, we had the same class so I thought I would take my chances." He murmured.

He moved his hand from the wall to my jaw, stroking his thumb back and forth on my cheek. The hand on my face was stingingly cold, the skin of my cheek tenced from the cold.

"And since I got to sit directly behind you..." He chuckled slipping the hand that was on my face down to my waist. He pulled my waist in closer to him despite the fact that we were already touching. I could feel his front press up against my stomach.

"...I got the pleasure of staring at that perfect little ass of yours every time you stood up." 

I was unable to speak, I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked up into eyes for the first time. The look he gave me was raging with pure lust.

"Remember when I said I liked your pants?" He whispered moving even closer to my face. He didn't even give me a chance to reply before he started speaking again. "I wasn't talking about your pants baby."

At this point my heart was pumping out of my chest, I started getting very uncomfortable by his touch.

"Niall please, can we-" He cut me off by roughly grabbing my hips and quickly spinning me around so that my ass was pushed up against him, with me now facing the wall. 

His hips were pressured against my bottom, pinning me against the wall. Both my hands placed beside my chest on the frosty tile walls, while his hands were still gripped tightly on my hips. I felt his chest against my back. My legs still slightly parted by his knee being between them. He brought his head down so that it was in the curving space between my neck and my ear.

"Have you ever been fingered baby?" He whispered into my ear.

All I was able to do was shake my head no. I was frozen, I couldn't bring myself to answer him. My stomach tightened and my entire body tensed up. I didn't want this to happen, not now. No matter how hard I tried I wasn't able to tell him to stop though.

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