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I watch as Harry dashes up the stairs, followed by the sound of a door closing— which I assume would be my bedroom door.

I still felt in the clouds, my body was swaying with any sort of rhythm I could feel. It felt amazing, my confidence was skyrocketing through the roof and not a single worry about anything was interrupting my high— that was until the reality set in, once Harry had left to go hide.

"Do I smell like weed? I feel like I smell like weed."

"Babe, you didn't even smoke." Liam reassures me. "You better not blow this for yourself, I'll be the one in trouble and you know it."

We hear the faint key jingle getting closer and closer to the porch.

"Don't say too much and please just... try to act sober." Liam says holding his hands out like I'm going to run away.

I roll my eyes at him in reply, though I knew Liam was right. If she knew I was high as fuck right now she'd practically have an aneurysm. So I decided to play along and not mess around like I was before.

Lets just hope I'm able to keep myself contained.

And my mother would definitely flip her shit if she saw a random boy covered in tattoos in our house, so Harry going to hide was the best option since he couldn't just walk out the front door.

My mother isn't very keen on me or Maya having 'boyfriends' per se— we never even told her about Maya and Zayn dating. And since she was never around anyway, it wasn't too hard to hide it from her.

Whenever Zayn was over the house and she would happen to stop by, everyone pretended that he was just a friend of ours.

She would always lecture us to never date before college and that if we did it would be a waist of time. The huge example she used was my father, they started dating in highschool— and look how that turned out for us.

Lucky for us, my mother absolutely adores the boys. She was always fond of Zayn and Louis, she praise them as the best friends we've ever had. Liam on the other hand, she's completely utterly in love with the kid. Sometimes I feel like she actually loves him more than she loves her own two children. He's practically part of the family at this point.

She goes on non stop about how polite and caring Liam is— which I don't blame her, the boy has a way with adults. He's so charming and acts like an angel. My mother tells me that if I were to go out with someone, the only boy she would allow me to be with was Liam.

I was still sitting on the stool when I heard the key jingle now right at the door— turning in the key lock. I hop off my seat and stroll over through the foyer to open the door before she was able to.

My mother was stood out in the cold in her lavender colored work scrubs with a brown medium length coat over her shoulders. Her purse and phone were clutched in her hand while the keys stuck out in the other.

Our eyes met and I only prayed that the eye drops worked and that my eyes were no longer red, if she points it out I could say that I've been crying due to stress.

She walks through the door and stands behind me as I shut it. I spin around to meet face to face with her again. But, as I spin, I feel my vision rattle and my head spin along with it. My high was still very much there no matter how much I might have played off the sober act.

"H-Hi mom." I stutter quietly.

She pulls me into a tight comfortable hug, we stand at the entrance as we embrace each other of comfort. I could sense the rage of worry in her squeeze.

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