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I couldn't tell you how long we made out underneath that beautiful tree. It seemed like only minutes had passed, but at the same time it felt like hours. Time felt nonexistent while I was kissing him, his hands roaming around my body. In the moment I became weightless, each second I melt into him more and more.

There was a small amount of innocence between our lips, the gentle yet heavy motions between us was reckless and carefree. After my refusal to him pleasuring me, he didn't pry at it anymore. It was obvious that he genuinely didn't care if we did anything more than heavy petting, and neither did I. I felt at the top of the world with his lips attached to mine, in a sense I actually was.

There was a point where I could tell the temperature outside dramatically dropped— telling me that it was getting late.

Harry was sat up straight with his back facing the opening of the 'cave' under this tree, I was straddled over his lap. My shirt was again lifted up enough to reveal my bra, Harry's head was down and leaving me multiple hickeys on my chest and the bare skin that my bra didn't cover.

After figuring out that I was okay with him leaving me hickeys as long as they were hidden, he didn't hold back. Any time there was a break between kisses he would lift my shirt and leave me another prominent blotch of color somewhere on my skin. There had to be countless dark marks scattered across my breasts by now.

At this point it was as if he was making out with my tits.

I didn't mind though, it felt great.

Once in a while, I would moan into his side— giving him the satisfaction of knowing he's doing something right. In response to my vocals he would hum a short 'yeah?' into my skin, sending soothing vibrations across my skin.

I always hear about how most girls despise hickeys, saying it makes then feel like they are 'owned'. But to me I see it as a reminder of the memory of what it takes to get one. Everytime I see one of the hickeys Harry left me I would think back to the moment I watched him give it to me. The image of his eyes battering closed and his swollen lips sucking on my tender skin, the feeling of his teeth threading at the skin and his rolling tongue. Or how you can feel as his lips curl into a smile against your skin.

I guess you could say I like hickeys. They're hot in my opinion.

Both my hands were holding onto his biceps to keep me balanced upright on his lap. I felt a freezing gust of wind come and hit my face from over his shoulder, I shiver at the feeling.

"It's getting late." I say with a breathy tone.

"Mhmm." He hums into my skin as an agreement, opposed to taking the hint that we should get going.

I pry open my eyes, only to see a beautifully colored sky of bloody oranges and pinks peaking through the open cracks of the tall tree branches— the sun was beginning to set.

Have we really been here for that long?

"Harry, it's going to get dark soon." I move my hands up to either side of his head and pull him off my skin with a smacking sound. I aim his head so that he could look at me, his face was flushed and full of color— cheeks bright pink. "The sun is setting."

He pivots his shoulders and his head around so that he could look out of the opening behind him. "Okay, so what?" He murmured through his swollen lips from kissing for so long. He turned back to me and immediately started kissing my lips.

I kissed him back, as one would.

His hands slipped down and fell to my waist— pulling against my body and forcing me to arch against his torso.

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