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Two days later and I'm still sore and walking like I just learned how to stand and sit like every surface is made of broken glass. But that's worth it for the memories in my head for the past two days. And for the way Harry still looks at me with haunting eyes— one glance and I know he's imagining what would happen if we were alone and naked.

Today was the first day back to school after holiday break, and I swear this has been the longest two weeks of my life.

And because of everything being so fresh with Liam these past few days, it felt ever longer.

I've been trying my very hardest to avoid Liam all day, which hasn't been much of a challenge. He asked if I needed a ride to school but I told him I'd catch one with Niall— who thankfully didn't seem to hear Harry and I in my bedroom on Friday. Or he's just really good at hiding the fact that he heard me screaming out Harry's name.

I saw Liam once during passing period, to which my heart rate raised above the fucking roof, but he didn't seem to see me. I hate the fact that I'm afraid of my own best friend.

On another note, just our fucking luck, Alice's plane got delayed. Of fucking course, because my life is already one giant pool of bad luck, why not add nails under the diving board.

Which means Liam is running on the loose for who knows how much longer, Alice said that eventually the police might have to take him in for temporary hold if she's not back on time.

She's flying back right now as I sit in my fourth class of the day. My biology teacher is handing out our homework sheet and I'm not even paying attention because I'm too busy watching the clock like a hawk.

Clearly I'm trying to distract myself in the way I know best— Harry.

In nine minutes this class will be over and It'll be lunch. Meaning I get to see Harry. Meaning we can sneak off to his car, or the bathroom, or a fucking supply closet if we're desperate. Meaning I can kiss him. Meaning I can do other things to him.

If you can't tell, I haven't seen Harry in four hours and I'm just about to lose my shit. Knowing he's in the same building as me and I'm not allowed to go see him is absolutely driving me crazy, and all I can do in the meantime is twiddle with the ring wrapped around my finger.

"The worksheet will be due Wednesday, I hope you all didn't forget everything over the break." My teacher speaks, though I pay zero attention because there's four minutes left.



A loud beep buzzes through the school speakers, but it's not the class change bell— it's the usual beep that signals announcements or event calls.

"Sorry for the interruption. Niall Horan is needed in the front office immediately, please have him bring his things. Once again, Niall Horan is to attend the front office. Thank you."

The second I heard his name my attention was pulled from the clock, I heard the click of the speaker before the sound went dead.

What did that idiot get himself into now? I smile to myself, focusing my attention back to the clock to see I only have one minute left. I think nothing much of Niall being called to the office, it's not like this is the first time. I remember hearing that same note over the speakers plenty of times throughout the years I've been going to the same school as him.

The lunch bell rings and I'm the first to bolt out of the classroom. The rest of the class files into the soon to be crowded hallways while kids make their way to various parts of the school for lunch.

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