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"Your sister goes to UCLA?" Harry asks as we approach the general area of the campus. "Hard school to get into, yeah?"

The main campus was fairly close to where I lived, maybe only a fifteen minute drive. That's why Maya still lives at home since she's able to make the drive everyday. Most her friends live in the school dorms so we figured we'd check there first.

"Yeah, she got offered a scholarship for some business program." I answer.

UCLA is one of the top and most well known universities in california, the acceptance rate is extremely low. You practically have to be eistaine to get in. The only reason Maya got a full scholarship is because her grades are practically perfect, I dont think shes ever gotten anything lower than an A. School has always come very naturally to her, unlike me who gets pretty average grades. No way would I get accepted into that school.

"If I don't move back to London before the fall I was thinking of applying." Harry murmurs keeping his hands on the wheel.

I was surprised to hear this, Harry didn't really seem to be the kind of person to apply to a university this hard to attend. Harry didn't even seem like the 'collage' type in general.

My face must have showed how brought back I was from his reply because he gave me a look as if he was slightly offended.

"What?" He chuckles a bit.

"Just didn't expect you to be the 'collage type', UCLA is a hard school to get into to." I reference back to his words.

"Well technically I'm not, but Louis got into a football program there. He sort of convince me to at least apply. Besides, I have all the requirements to apply, so it doesn't hurt to try."

I remember back a couple months ago when Louis told us he got an early acceptance to a soccer program he applied to, we were all so happy for him since UCLA had been his dream school since middle school. This was back when Zayn and Maya were still together, maybe a month or two before they broke up. We, including Liam, went out for pizza to celebrate with him.

Thinking back to the happy memory made my brain track back to the horrible reality that we were currently stuck in— looking for my missing sister.

My joyful energy faded and I got quiet.

We soon arrived at the dorm buildings very close to the general campus, only to find out that you needed a key card to get into them. Not sure why we didn't think about that before, of course it would be locked it's not like they were going to let kids who don't even go here into the dorms.

"Fuck." Harry mumbled under his breath when he pulls on the door to find it locked. He then pulls out his phone and starts clicking different buttons, he brings the phone up to his ear and I hear a faint ringing.

"Who are you calling?" I question.

"One of Niall's friends that go here." He answers right before the ringing stops. "Jamie?.... Hey man what's up?"

I hear faint speaking and loud music coming from the other line of the phone.

"No not tonight. So erm listen, I'm with a friend right now and we're sort of looking for someone."


"....yeah we're at the dorms right now. Are you in?" He pauses to let the person speak. "...her sister." My heart drops a little unknowingly, Harry then glances at me for a second.

"....Maya Griggs." Harry murmurs, I assume this 'Jamie' character asked the name of who we were looking for.

I step slightly closer to Harry's side so that I could hear the faint voice better, I hear that it's a man's voice and he was talking very loud so that Harry would be able to hear him over the music on his end.

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