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"Are you okay?" Harry murmured.

I felt extremely light headed and the entire bathroom was spinning. I was stable but I was still coming down from the panic high. Liam freaking out like that wasn't making it any better.

"Erm, yeah I think." I mumbled placing my hand over my forehead. My head was still throbbing. "Why are you here?"

"This is a boys loo." Harry said as if it was a dumb question, which it was.

The fact that he called it a 'loo' made me want to laugh, but I knew it would make my head hurt more. I always forget about his accent is so heavy until he says something like that. It was so cute.

"Right." I mumbled.

"What triggered your panic attack?"

"I saw N-Niall and I just kinda freaked out." I hesitated to tell him.

He leaned back onto the sinks and put both his hands next to his hips to hold him up. He looked puzzled.

"You still never told me what he did," He whipped his still wet hands on his jeans to dry them. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want. But what did he do?"

I trailed my eyes to the floor. Harry had now saved me from a panic attack twice. I felt like I owe him an explanation.

"No, it's okay." I prepared myself before starting. "Um, when I was in the bathroom-" Suddenly the door abruptly opened and a shorter boy walked in.

It took a second for me to realize it was Louis.

"Sorry," He stood in the doorway looking at us. "Did I interrupt something?"

I forgot the fact that we were in a boys bathroom. Louis was probably confused as to why I was in here. I'm sure my face was still bright red.

If i had the energy I would have confronted him about Maya. But I was too tired to be mad at him right now.

"No don't worry, you're fine lad." Harry pushed himself up from leaning on the sinks. "We should get back to class." He walked closer to me and guided me to the exit by my lower back.

"See ya Lou." Harry said before leaving the bathroom and pulling me along with him.

Lou? Did they know each other?

"You know Louis?" I ask once we were out of the bathroom.

"We grew up together."

That explains why he looked at me like that when I said I kissed Zayn. He knows the whole story about Maya, probably because Louis told him. I never really thought that the only two english kids at our school would have been friends before they moved, especially because Harry moved years after Louis.

His legs were much longer than mine, it was hard to keep up.

"Wait." I stopped walking causing him to jerk back with me. "I don't think I can go back in there."

"Shit, sorry, forgot about him." He looked around the empty hallways. "Do you wanna ditch? I didn't wanna go anyway."

I knew that probably wasn't a good idea, but it was better than having to face Niall. So I instantly agreed. He took my back again and turned us around so we started walking towards the school exit.

"We can drive somewhere to talk about this, or I can just take you home. It's up to you." He asked.

The last thing I wanted to do was go home by myself. I needed a distraction.

"I can't go home. I don't wanna be alone." I said truthfully. "Unless you want to go home yourself, I'm sure I'll be fine."

"No, I don't mind. We'll find somewhere to talk then."

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