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I surprisingly woke up feeling amazing. I got a decent four hours of sleep after my little adventure with Niall. Which for the record, helped me so ridiculously much that for once I didn't wake up with the dread of having to face my reality.

Niall talked me up while leaving the house this morning, telling me how he won't let me have a bad first day back as if it was something he could control. I made sure to cover up all the visible healing marks on my neck with some makeup, though I purposely left out the little one under my ear that was caused by Harry's lips. And Jim gave us both our phones back too before heading into his office to work, and naturally Harry had already texted me.

And of course the text was an entirely too-raunchy-to-share picture of him with an emoji of a pineapple. He sent it just after I left his apartment last night, knowing I'd see it in the morning.

Harry's flirty text, along with Niall's praises and assurances, and even the bomb omelet Jim made us for breakfast-which yes, is a necessary reason— all played a major role in how uppy my mode boost was this morning.

I was actually, in a way, excited about going back to school after these long two weeks. It's relieving to think that things will be normal— even if it's just for the short seven hours that I'm forced to sit in a boring classroom.

The entire ride there I was like a bundled ball of energy and joy. Niall blasted music, neither of us caring it was only eight in the morning, both radiated this happy upbeat vigor.

Though that worked up feeling was quick to wash off the second I was standing face to face with the school gates.

"You alright?" Niall asks, seeing how I had stopped in my tracks as we were about to approach the entrance. My mood had completely shifted.

Both my hands gripped to the straps of my backpack, which wearing in and of itself felt foreign. I was suddenly so nervous, seeing the school kids pile into the building in the near distance made me remember that most of them somehow know about my situation— word travels fast in my school, you can't get away with dropping a thumb tack without having the whole school know.

Last time I was there, I was being stared at because I was the girl that apparently slept with both Niall and Harry. And now, I'm living with Niall, and Harry and I are whatever we are. Not to mention how I disappeared after that for two weeks, and within that timeframe I lost my mother— which according to Liam and Zayn, most of the schools know about as well.

"Baylin?" Niall nudges my arm.

I shake my head, trying my hardest to shake off whatever the feeling in the pit of my stomach was. "Sorry, yeah- I'm okay... can we just- uh wait for Harry. Maybe?"

Class didn't start until 8:30 so we have a good half hour before we're needed for attendance.

"Of course, if that's what you want."

Niall walks to one of the benches that lined the front grass area to sit himself down. I stand in front of the blonde, hugging my arms around myself and trying my best to keep my head down from the passerby.

Harry arrives not long after that. I watch his car roll into the parking lot and stop in an empty space to the front, waiting patiently for him to be at my side. The second he's only a couple feel away, my nerves relax a minimal amount.

The second Harry was an arms length away, he grabs both my wrists and wraps them around his back before wrapping his own arms around me. I pillow my head to his chest, feeling the soft beat of his heart pumping.

"Good morning." He coos in my ear, tightening his grip a tad.

"Morning." I smile at the comfort.

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