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The next few days were quiet.

Nothing out of the ordinary has happened, and school is finally starting to be normal again. I no longer have kids coming up to me, and most of the stares have stopped. The second day was worse than the first since it was the day the word had spread that I was back after two weeks. By the fourth it was pretty tame and it seems as if most of the kids had already forgotten I was there, or had already moved onto the next thing.

Days felt short, classes went by fast when I was trying my hardest to succeed with my studies. I've been putting in a little extra back bone since I had fallen behind quite a bit. I can't afford to have my grades plummet along with my mental state.

Niall has actually been a huge help when it comes to helping me with school work. Once we get back to the house, he spends a little time with me while I'm doing homework or studying. The kid is actually very smart— who would have thought? He has a way of wording things much better than any teacher I've ever had, it makes it very easy for him to teach me the ropes behind some of the classes I was taking. It also helps that he's two years older and has already taken the same courses.

After school each day Niall goes off somewhere. Harry stays with me during the, usually, two hours of waiting for Niall to get out of whatever it was he was doing. Most of the time Harry and I get some homework done, while others we use the extra time to do a little 'catching up' in the school bathrooms.

Jim thinks Niall has some kind of activity everyday— Mondays and Wednesdays is 'chess', aka doing whatever he wants that isn't cooped up at home. Tuesdays and Thursdays is soccer practice, which actually isn't a lie, Niall's on the soccer team. For some reason I didn't know about until recently. And on Fridays we're free for the weekend, so we're free to do whatever we please after school as long as we're home before Jim goes off to sleep.

Today is friday, school ended well over an hour ago and I'm still on school grounds. Niall went off with his friends, asked if I needed a ride home first but I politely declined since I knew Harry would take me. Liam and Louis were doing who knows what, they both had other plans when I asked if they wanted to tag along with me and Harry.

Zayn still hasn't been to school all week. Though he hasn't been completely MIA, we've been texting every now and then. He told me he had some kind of stomach virus and had to go to the doctors to get antibiotics, and was throwing up non stop according to our short conversation. Poor guy.

I've been meaning to go visit him at his house, maybe bring him some noodles, but with Jim being up my ass it's been a little hard to find the time.

So that left Harry and I all alone. We have been parked in the back corner of the school parking lot since school let out. Surrounded by only the sounds of our conjoined breaths and our tangled limbs in the back seats, naturally.

"Aren't you bored of doing this?" Harry murmurs, removing his lips from mine and making a trail down my neck.

"Of doing what?" I reply, my hands gripping the soft material of his white cotton shirt to pull him closer to me.

His lips reach the spot, the one right under my ear, he kisses it slowly and sensually. His one hand on my hip and his other embedded into the leather seats, my back pressed against the door and his broad form towered over me.

"Of kissing me."

I take his head in my hands and pry him off my neck, forcing him to look at me in the eyes. Where did that come from? It was a bit random and such a damper.

"I could kiss you forever." I coo while staring straight into the crusade of my contentment.

He looked at me like he knew I was lying to him, which I wasn't. I could kiss him for years on end without ever getting bored. Never once in the million kisses we've shared have I felt anything even close to bored. His lips alone make me feel like I'm skydiving into an ocean of harmless pillows with no parachute. I could never get used to his taste, even if I tried. It's like every time I see him coming in, that bliss and clam look on his face of pure adoration puts me at ease. The way his eyes flutter shut, his eyelids capturing the green and his beautiful eyelashes lay on his cheeks. And the last sight I see before I join with closing my eyes, the curve of his perfect lips at a slight pucker. The perfect imperfections that I find beautiful and are so hard to see that I only just started to notice them.

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