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I stood alone on the sidewalk as it began to rain, waiting for Liam to pull up his car in front of Harry's apartment building. I rushed down here, tears streaming down my face and feeling like I was walking on thin ice. For some reason I wasn't standing under the awning, it didn't even dawn on me that I was getting soaked by the rainfall, I wasn't even thinking of it as it splattered on my already wet cheeks. In only two minutes my hair was already soaked, my shoulders and back were completely drenched, and to top it off my nose was practically numb.

In no more than five minutes, just like he said, I see Liam's car come to an abrupt stop directly in front of me.

I started to walk towards the car, but by the time I got next to it, Liam was already stepping out. He rushed around the front of the car to meet me at the other side.

The second our eyes met, the tears spewing from my eyes got even worse and I let out uncontrollable sobs. Obviously Liam knew something was wrong, I'm clearly a complete mess.

Liam doesn't hesitate to slam his body into me with a tight hug, he wraps his arms around my torso while I stand there with mine to my sides. I cry into the comfort of his shoulder and let my whimpers out into his ear.

"You're fine." He whispers, so quiet but loud enough to hear over the rapid rain. "It'll be fine."

Liam's hand comes to cradle the back of my head, trying his best to comfort me while I'm breaking down in the middle of the sidewalk. The people walking by must think I'm a nut case, asking themselves what possibly could have happened to this weird girl sobbing in the street.

I couldn't tell you how long Liam and I stayed standing in the rain, he let me cry on him for as long as I needed before I took the first step to back away.

"I'm sorry, I just-" My voices hikes, needing more oxygen to feed my brain and to catch my breaths, "I don't know what happened, we got in another fight, and I-" I was practically speaking gibberish, my voice was so broken up and shaky that it was impossible to understand a single word I was saying.

I'm looking nowhere but Liam's chest, finding it hard to look him in the eye because I don't want him to see how messed up I am. I'm sure my eyes were bloodshot, while my cheeks were vibrant with color and heat, and I'm soaking wet from head to toe.

Liam takes his hand and holds my chin with his fingers, something Harry used to do, which only made me want to cry more at the reminder of Harry. Liam lifts my head up so that I finally look at him, when my eyes meet his, I realize he was just as wet as I was. His hair flopped on his forehead and droplets of water framed his face, the tip of his nose was red from the cold and his eyes were full of affliction from seeing me in this state.

"Come on." He mutters, I knew he could see how much I was hurting just in the few seconds of eye contact we shared. "I'll take you home, you can tell me about everything on the drive."

He turns his body so that I pivot mine towards the passenger door, with his hand on my lower back he guides me to step to the side so that he can open the door for me. He helps me step inside as if I was too weak to do it on my own, which I probably am.

I feel completely fucked, my mind, my body, my thoughts— everything is just so worn out, and used.

I already regret my take on ending things with Harry. And even though I know it most definitely will not be forever, it still feels like it.

There's a couple seconds that I'm alone in the car while Liam makes his way to the driver's side. And in those few seconds everything seems so still. The sound of the rain came to fade by the enclosure of the car, my thoughts seemed to stop as well, the usual non stop chatter and replays of my fight with Harry had stopped. I felt like I was floating in a puff of frozen time, everything and everything just stopped.

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