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"You're going to have to talk to her mate." Louis whispers across me to Harry.

Harry chuckles and rolls his eyes in a manor of annoyance. "You're funny."

Louis reaches over me and smacks him across his chest. "I'm serious, she owes you an explanation at least and I don't know about you but I wanna go see Mags. If you come or not is your decision."

Harry shuffled in his seat, reaching for his back pocket and pulls out a packet of gum.

"Gum?" He offers to us both— changing the subject.

Neither of us answer, so he takes one out and unwraps it before tossing it on his mouth then shoving the packet back in his pocket.

"Of course I'm going to see Mags, don't be an idiot." Harry mumbles, responding to Louis, the slight change in tone told me he was almost offensive towards Louis thinking he wouldn't want to see whoever this 'Mags' was.

No one talked very much after that— the two adults were still across the room discussing about who knows what, while the six of us near the couch waiting for further instructions in silence.

I shot my mom a quick text asking when she'd be home since it was starting to hear the time she said she would— she hasn't answered.

I still had multiple questions for Harry, but right now didn't seem to be the time to ask any of them considering the cermunstanses.

Two men in white protective suits, blue latex gloves and masks arrived up at my house half an hour after Detective Williams showed up. With the two forensics, was a younger girl with dark blonde hair in similar attire and a camera hanging around her neck.

When they arrived, the they immediately started doing their job— the girl began to take pictures of the red box from multiple angles. The men stood around until she gave them an 'alright', then they began separating the materials in the box and placing them in plastic evidence containers all while the camera girl continued to take pictures of the process.

Detective Williams and Officer Hill were talking with the forensics while they worked, after a couple minutes both cops walk our way. I could feel Harry stiffen up at my side as they approached us.

"Sorry we had to make you guys wait like this, we just thought it would be better to get that taken care of first." Officer Hill spoke pointing his thumb behind it in the direction of the coffee table.

"No of course, it's completely fine." I reply shyly.

I want that box as far away from me as possible.

"We should get started on their statements, yeah?" The man asks turning to the detective at his left.

Detective Williams seemed to be in her head a little, her answer flustered as if she wasn't paying attention. "Huh? Oh right, yes we should."

It doesn't take much of a brain to be able to tell the tension between Harry and Alice, the force between them seemed to be as repelling as two negatively charged magnets.

"So we'll need to talk to each of you privately, we'll ask you a couple questions and you'll need to tell us every detail about the last time you saw or spoke to Maya." She was holding a clipboard in her hand as well as a pen and writing something as she spoke. "So, who wants to go first?"

One of the forensic came over before anyone could answer— clearing his throat to get the detectives attention. "Alice, you might want to come take a look at this before we take it back for testing."

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