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School the next day felt off. It felt very short but long at the same time. I didn't find myself constantly staring at the clock as I usually would. I enjoyed listening to the teachers talk, which was odd.

I didn't go home to change either, still wearing the same clothes I had changed into when Zayn picked me up. I pray I didn't smell like weed.

During lunch it was just me and Liam. Not sure where Zayn had ran off to, I don't think he went to class after dropping me off. So, Liam and I decided to sneak off campus and go get something to eat. We ended up just getting In-N-Out.

"Are we still hanging out today?" Liam asked while we drove to the burger place.

Usually every Friday Liam and I hangout. It was our little tradition, once in awhile we would allow other people to tag along. But we liked spending alone time together. It allowed us to talk about anything we wanted. Honestly i've made some of the best memories with him on our little 'Friday Adventures'. We always did something crazy and spontaneous.

"Yeah why wouldn't we?" I replied.

"Considering I was with you all day yesterday I assumed you'd be sick of me by now." He chuckled.

"Believe me, I've been sick of you since the minute I met you. Didn't stop us before." I teased.

He looked over at me in the passenger seat with his jaw dropped, pretending as if what I had said had offended him.

"I don't blame you." He said sarcastically, leading both of us to laugh.

We decided to just go through the drive through and eat in the car. The only tables they had available were outside and it was still freezing out. Once we got our food Liam parked in the parking lot beside the In-N-Out.

"So.." he said while his mouth full of cheeseburger. "Where'd you disappear to last night?"

"How'd you know I went somewhere?" I asked back surprised.

"You weren't there when I woke up, stupid." He teased.

"Right." I mumble while shoving fries in my mouth.

"Go on, tell me." He persuaded me.

"Zayn called me and we went to Denny's." I murmured.

"You got food?" His face told me that he didn't believe me, even though I was telling part of the truth. "You where getting food, all night?" he continued.

"Not all night, dumbass. After we went to a pretty lookout." I knew Liam was going to be slightly mad about me drinking, but I told him anyway.

"...and Zayn had some vodka so we drank a little." I said without looking at him.

I didn't want to tell him about the weed yet, Liam was never really a fan of the idea of getting high. Nor did I want to mention anything about us making out for obvious reasons.

"You drank? That's it?" He murmured after swallowing a bite of his food. I could he tell knew I was still hiding something.

"We also smoked a little weed." I said shyly, not knowing how he was going to react. I felt my nerves skater across my body.

"I already knew that." I quickly turned to him as he was unphased.

"What do mean you knew? How?" I thought maybe Zayn had told him.

"You reeked this morning, no offense babe." He took the last couple bites of his food before speaking again, "You still kinda do now." He chuckled.

I ignored him. But if he could smell the horrid smell that had sunk into my clothes, that means most likely everyone else could too.

"Were you with anyone else? Other than Zayn." He asked.

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