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TW: description of gore and blood, throwing up

Sitting at the bottom of the box, was a small white plastic tray with what looked like a extremely bloody ear— the horrific stain of red 'goo' drenching the entire piece of flesh.

I felt sick to my stomach, the sight of what I only hoped to be make up and rubber made my stomach extremely queasy.

Harry seemed just as shocked as I was— neither of us knowing how to react to the disgustingly foreign platter in front of us.

"That has to be fake." Harry finally says while I had the same thought in my head.

Both of our eyes were glued to to plate of red— as much as I wanted to look away, my eyes wouldn't allow me to.

I stand up and lean closer to the box to get a better look, I see the distinct features of what was definitely an ear, I was able to see skin marks and moles, small peach fuzz of hair as there would be on any part of someone's body.

The most distinctive feature was a simple earring with a clear white gemstone, which looked red due to the blood, sitting pretty on the dissembled ear.

The imperfections of the skin made the ear look extremely real. It looked like a bloodbath in there, barely any skin color peeking through the crimson dye.

Harry reached his hand forward, moving closer to the top of the box.

"Don't touch it!" I snap.

"I wasn't," He replies quick, placing his other hand on my arm in sincerity. "I was just going to-"

He roughly taps the outside of the box— forcing the body part to flip over.

The second he does I get a very quick glance of the torn open flesh, exposing the muscle and tissues of the inside— I quickly turn away at the sight, instantly regretting Harry's decision.

Definitely a real fucking ear.

I wince as Harry lets out a sound of disgust. My stomach churns and on my tongue was that disgusting taste you get right before you throw up.

I quickly move around the couch and pace to the nearest bathroom in the kitchen, flip open the toilet lid and barf up what looked like my breakfast.

No fucking way this is happening right now.

An ear?

How the fuck do you even get an ear?

"Baylin?" Harry says knocking on the closed bathroom door.

I don't need Harry seeing me throw up.

"I'm fine I'll be-" I get cut off by my own vomit spewing out my mouth.

Once my body decided it had enough of spitting up my meal from stomach, I flushed the gross down the toilet and washed my mouth.

Opening the door, Harry standing at the other side waiting as I got out.

"Not good with blood?" Harry questions.

"There's n-no way someone put a real ear in a box and just left it on my coffee table." I say in disbelief, ignoring Harry's question about blood all together.

Harry holds my elbow as if he was trying to help me stand. "Your mum works in a hospital, maybe she..."

I turn to his face and give him a driving look saying 'you're an idiot'.

"My mom didn't bring home a fucking ear, Harry." I spit back.

He shakes his head— knowing that was a stupid assumption.

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