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The car ride back with the three guys was silent and the air was so fucking thick I'd almost rather have walked the five miles it takes to get to my apartment.

We all kept to ourselves, each looking out our own window, desperately trying not to move a muscle to avoid an interaction. Not to mention my brain was running on and on about how worried I am about Baylin.

Niall's quiet, as is everyone, but his quiet is different— I can't explain it. He's sitting in the back seat directly behind me, I can almost hear his anxiety. He's worried about Baylin, I can tell that much. His energy changed a significant amount the second Liam filled him in on the details.

Liam on the other hand also hasn't said a word in ten minutes, which is surprising since he usually doesn't know when to shut the fuck up. Since hearing about what happened in the parking lot I can sense that he's freaking out too. He's in love with her for fucks sake, I know how he feels.

Now Louis, he's in the driver's seat, has not taken his eyes off the windshield since our last conversation. He hasn't looked over at me, or down to fiddle with his fingers, he's just been staring at the road and driving.

There's something off about the atmosphere. I can't exactly pinpoint it, and I have absolutely zero clue why I have this weird gut feeling— but I can just feel that something isn't right, other than the fact that Baylin was fucking kidnapped.

Even thinking those words in my head makes me sick to my fucking stomach.

One thing I do know for sure, everyone in this car is worried sick about Baylin. She meant something to us all, and having to settle with the fear that she might be... in trouble, is making us all sick.

Louis pulls off the road and stops at the curb in front of my apartment, finally for the first time all night Louis looks me in the eye.

"You going to be okay?"

I dodge the contact, "Yeah."

There's a tension between us that I've never felt with Louis before, it's strange. I blame it on pent up anxiety that's just spilling out from Baylin being gone.

I begin to get out of the car, "Come on, Niall." I say quickly. I push open the door and step out. Niall gets out first and Liam is already waiting for me to leave so he could take my seat in the front.

"Text me if you need-" I cut Louis off, rudely slamming the door in his face. I instantly feel bad, he hasn't even done anything.

By the time I hear his car drive off I'm already three steps from the entrance, I can hear Niall's quiet steps following behind me. As we step into the lobby, his shoes squeak obnoxiously loud. I turn back to see him awkwardly trying to step quieter but failing.

"That all you have with you?" I say, my voice sounding harsh. "Isn't that your school bag?"

Niall clears his throat as if him not speaking in a while gave him a new coat of silence, "Yeah, they didn't exactly warn me to pack a bag."

I roll out my stiff and stressed induced shoulders and press the elevator button, instantly the metal doors open and we both step inside.

"I'm sure there's something of Louis' up there that you can borrow and change into." I'd be caught dead before I give him my own clothes. Sleeping in my house is somehow okay with me, but sleeping in my clothes is crossing a line, this is still the guy who took advantage of my girlfriend.

He's been here before, he knows his way around, he doesn't need a grand fucking tour. I'm not in the right headspace to act as a host, and I guess he's not a guest anymore, so I'm going to my room and shutting out any distraction. I need to sort everything out in my head.

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