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I began to panic.

I backed up away from the door, not knowing if I should let her in. What would she do if she saw that Zayn was here? What would Zayn do? I stood there frozen staring at the door while she knocked again.

My brain ran through the scenario of if I let her in. I didn't think that was the best idea, but I had no other option. If I hid Zayn, I had a tight feeling in my gut that it would end very badly. My other idea was to pretend no one was home, but then she would assume I snuck out. I didn't want things to get worse. 

I took a few steps closer to the door and placed my hand on the doorknob. I waited a couple seconds before opening it. When I flung the door open I saw a figure at her side. He was wearing a black, maybe dark blue hoodie, it was hard to see in the dim light.

"She came to my house super drunk, I didn't know where else to take her." Louis spoke while holding her and trying to balance her.

"I ammm not drunkk, and I don't neeed your helpp. I can walk on my own tthank you very much." Maya said smugly as she pushed Louis' help to the side and tried to waddle into the house on her own. She toppled over almost imitialty. I tried my best to help her up but she refused. Louis and I both then forced her up and brought her inside, plopping her down on the stairs behind us that led up to the second floor.

"You shouldn't be here." I murmured to Louis.

"I know, I tried to call you when she showed up but you didn't answer. I though the best idea was to bring her here." he stated.

I was furious with both of them. If I weren't so tired right now I think that I would have started yelling, considering that Maya was drunk I didn't want any of that to happen. I don't think I had yet to fully process what was going on.

"I want a puppyyy. Do you think mom would let us get a puppyyy?" Maya asked as she slurred on her words, she kept speaking to herself as both Louis and I ignoring her. 

"Right, my phone was dead. Liam and I came back here after school and we tried to call you back but you didn't pick up." I replied. "But you should leave. Zayn and Liam are in the-" I pointed my thumb behind me towards the living room.

"Zayns 'ere?" He spat out with fright in his eyes. He spoke fast and his accent making it hard to understand what he said.

"Oh my god, my Zaynieee is here? I missss him let's go say hiii." Maya then stood up from where she was sitting on the stairs. Louis pushed her back down so she was sitting again, him sitting at her side. Once she sat, both louis hands were on her thighs. It made me uncomfortable knowing what they had done, but I knew he was just trying to keep her still.

"Stay." He said in a stern voice as if she were a dog.

"I'll go get her some water, neither of you move." I commanded, pointing my finger at the two of them.

I started to walk to the kicken to get her a glass of water. Hopefully that would sober her up a little. I made it to the fridge and grabbed a plastic water bottle. I didn't trust her with glass right now.

When I returned with the water bottle in my hand only minutes later, I saw my sister on top of the boy. She had him pinned against the wall. She was kissing his neck while her hand was tugging at the waistband of his shorts. Louis stood still.

"Maya your drunk! Get off before-" His eyes met mine. 

"What. The. Fuck." I heard a voice behind me, causing me and Louis to freeze. Maya didn't stop and proceeded to kiss Louis' neck.

I was surprised to see Zayn standing behind me, even though I knew it was him. I felt my body go stiff. 

Louis then forced Maya off him and pushed her away, she turned around finally to see Zayn.

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