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It's almost four in the morning and I've been trying to fall asleep for hours. Out of the hundred positions I've tried, none seem comfortable enough to drift into a daze. My head feels cramped with mixed emotions and thoughts.

Screaming my lungs off on a giant building can only numb my anxious mind for so long.

After Harry finally decided to text me and tell me that he was okay, I was able to relax a little. And even though I felt less worried about him, I'm now worrying about something else— apart from Zayn being in the back of my head constantly.

Harry I'll see you tomorrow

Tomorrow is so much closer than it seems. Technically it's already tomorrow, and in just a couple hours this is all going to have to come out.

Is Harry finally going to tell me what's been holding him back?

He can't possibly not tell me. If he was planning on waiting even longer, that would prolong the explanation as to why he left me after almost having sex with me. He can't do that.

In order for him to explain to me why he left, he has to explain what was going through his head.

It's still unknown as to how he's feeling. He could be mad at me for begging and pushing, I sure would be.

Maybe he wants to break things off, he wouldn't do that though. Would he?

As I lie in my bed, hearing Nialls very faded snores coming from across the hall, I think about every possible situation that I might face when I see Harry next.

I flip onto my back and shut my eyes, giving in to the stinging feeling I feel when I keep them open for too long— they're so dry because of how worn out they are from crying.

I force all my thoughts away from Harry, knowing that in minutes it's all going to fail because I'll start thinking about his hypnotic eyes, or his kissable lips, or how his hands feel when they touch my skin.

As the images of Harry come to my train of thought, I eventually start to forget about my nerves. The thought of him putting me at ease at just that, calming me down and making me feel warm.

But of course, just as I feel as though I might fall asleep, after hours and hours of trying, I hear a tap.

My eyes shoot open at the foreign sounds, immediately scanning my room for anything that could tell me what it was. After finding nothing, though it was hard to see in the dark, I came to the conclusion that it must be in my head.

I shut my eyes again, more consciously, but still just as exhausted.

Seconds later I hear the tap again.

This time I sit up, blinking rapidly to let my tired eyes adjust to the very dark room. I listen close to the sound that I now know isn't just in my head.

I hear the sound again, making me whip my head to the direction of where it was coming from— my window.

My blinds were shut, but there was a dim light coming through from the moonlight above. I hear the sound again, this time making me stand up and walk over to it. My legs feel weak because of how long I was coddled under my covers, my room air feels freezing and I guard my arms with my hands as I walk over to it.

I shift open the blinds, looking out at the dim backyard, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. But as I'm squinting my eyes and searching for something to stick out to me, there's another tap.

The sound as well as the visual of a small pebble smacking against the glass scares me, causing me to flinch.

Finally as I peer down, seeing the small pile of pebbles on the outer windowsill, I see a large frame standing at the base of the house.

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