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I hate mornings so much. I thought to myself as I put my hair up in a pony tale, I woke up a little late so I didn't have time to straighten my hair.

"Bay?" I hated when people called me that.

"Bay!?" I heard my sisters voice say my name again from outside my bedroom door. She sounded worried. Seconds later I heard a knock at my door.

"Come-" my door barged open before I could even finish my sentence. "...in", she was already inside my room walking over towards me. She stood at the foot of my bed.

"I need your help with something" She blurted out as I sat up in my bed. I was about to ask her what the point of knocking was if she was going to just walk in anyway. I decided not to because I was not in the mood to start a fight, and I knew she would have if I brought it up.

"What happened now?" She held her phone out and in front of my face, indicating me to read something. It was a text but her hand was shaking, so it made it difficult to read. I reached for her phone and grabbed it out of her hand. Before reading the text I looked up at her face, she was bright red. Her eyes glossy as if she was crying or about to start. She nodded her head to the phone implying that I read.

Zayn Hey I didn't want to have to do this over text, we need to break up. I know about...

I didn't want to keep reading incase it was personal.

"I-" I was speechless. Zayn and Maya had been dating for over two years. He's a senior and Maya graduated last year. They where that couple in our small highschool. Everyone knew that they would last forever.

Zayn was like a brother to me. He was always there for me and really fun to be around. He never made my feel left out or like a third wheel while I was with the two of them. A wave of sadness washed over me. My eyes felt watery as if it was him breaking up with me.

I pushed away the emotion.

I sat there in silence hoping she would say something. She didn't, she started to cry.

I stood up to give her a hug and comfort her. "Shhhh, it's okay, you're fine" She buried her face into my neck. We stood there for a while before she pulled back, looking down at where her head use to be.

"I got some mascara on your hoodie" She said while sniffling and wiping under her eyes with her hand. I looked at my shoulder to see two black marks where her eyes had been.

"It's okay I don't care" and I truly didn't, I only slept in this hoodie. There were already many stains from food and paint anyway.

I walked over to my nightstand and picked up the tissue box sitting on it. I held out the box closer to her, she took two, then and rubbed her eyes with them.

I've never seen Maya cry like this. I tried to think about the last times I had seen her cry. The only thing I could think of is when we watch movies together. But that doesn't count, everyone cries for movies.

She was always so tough, it was weird to see her so venerable. It made me happy in a weird way to know we were close enough for her to come to me with this.

"Do you have any idea why he wants to break up?" She looked away from me and down at the tissue in her hands.

She ignored my question. "I have no idea how he found out."

Huh? Found out what? I was confused.

Then I remembered that I had stopped reading his texted before it ended. Realizing the phone was still in my hand, I focused my eyes back on the text.

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