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"She'll just be a minute." I awkwardly tell the officer standing now in front of me, waiting to bring Baylin and I to Alice.

I glance over my shoulder, watching Baylin waddle her way back to my car. A smirk creeps on my lips as I notice the slight limp to her step, telling me her body is still sore from earlier.

The parking lot is dark, and empty, I was fully planning on watching her the whole way there and back. But my attention was divided when I hear a disturbance.

"This is bullshit." The struggled and stressed sound of Liam's voice echos the quiet station halls.

My head whips to the hall the officer was about to lead us to, at the other end I see Liam. He's handcuffed, with two men holding each of his elbows. His face is bright red and his eyes are extremely tired and glossy.

"All of you are fucking idiots if you actually-." Liam goes on but stops as we make eye contact from across the hall. "Harry?"

Anger fills my veins as the sound of my name escapes his pale thin lips.

"Harry, tell them." Liam pleads, "Tell them this is all bullshit."

"You fucking did this." I growl, fisting my hands tight.

I could see the switch of confusion wash over Liam's face, he stops struggling from the cops grasps and stares at me blankly. "I what?"

"You fucking-" I begin to stalk over to the end of the hall, not even able to finish my rush before the cop is holding me back. I don't know what I would have done if I got next to him, but right now all I want to do is hurt him.

Liam backs away, one of the cops holding him comes rushing to now hold me. My ears don't hear a thing from the cops mouths but I know they're yelling. I'm yelling as well, I couldn't tell you exactly what but I can tell I am from the raw tang in my throat.

"Get him in the other room!" I'm able to hear of the cops yell, immediately I'm being pushing back into the lobby.

Once the two large cops are able to get me back to the front desk, they slam the hall door shut. With Liam out of sight, my mind is able to run a little smoother again.

"Calm the fuck down, son." A large blonde cop with biceps the size of my head says while holding out a hand. "Wait here for your little girlfriend, once she's here we'll let you in together since clearly you can't be fucking let off her leash."

"That psycho ruined her fucking life!"

"Shut it before we throw you in a fucking holding cell, maybe that'll cool you down." The other, much smaller cop, says while backing towards the door. "Now sit the fuck down and wait for the girl to get back." He points to the direction of a bench, to which I follow his instructions just to be cooperative.

The cops leave and follow back to the hallway, I can still hear the sound of Liam struggling against the officers holds and directions. I let the bench devour the backs of my thighs and rest my back on the window behind me, dropping my head to tap the glass as well.

There's not a single thought in my mind, I'm completely whipped of every and all self consciousness I have for the moment— Im not sure exactly why, but I just can't seem to grasp anything.

That is until the hall door opens once again and I immediately shoot up from my seat.

"He'll be put under a polygraph test." Alice stars as her frame comes stepping through the door with zero introduction. "They're hooking him up to the machine right now."

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