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My head was hazy and everything felt like I was floating on a cloud, I liked the feeling. I felt light and everything was funny even when it wasn't, which made it even funnier. There was a pressure in my chest, but in a good way. Everything just felt so... back to normal— well at least that's what I thought in the moment.

I wasn't nearly as high as I was back when I ingested that edible, this time I felt much better. I could still form proper thoughts, unlike before when I was a horny pile of mush. This time I was more like a child, whereas before I was practically a kitten needing to rely on an adult.

I watched as Harry stride off to the bathroom building that was in the distance, only about a football field away. I liked that I could keep a close watch on him.

"What time is it?" Liam breaks the small silence.

"Almost six." Zayn answers, peering at his phone that was set beside him.

"We should be heading back soon." Liam speaks his thoughts, turning back to the ocean, which was almost pitch black due to the darkness and lack of light in the sea.

"What time is the thing?" Zayn mutters, starting to pack up a few things in his bag.


"What thing?" I ask, clearly being left out from whatever they had planned.

The two boys exchange a look, having a silent conversation to decide if they should tell me. Ending with Liam answering, "You'll see."

"Oooh a surprise?" I perk up, clasping my hands together in excitement.

"Mhm." Liam hums a yes, leaning a tad closer to me. "Don't get too excited, it's really nothing special, nothing you haven't done before."

I'm sure I'll love whatever it was they had planned, not much could bring me down right now anyway. My entire body felt like I was on cloud nine.

Zayn slumped down to lay on his stomach, stretching his arms out before resting them behind his head to use like a pillow. He lowly hums as he closes his eyes. Zayn was probably just as high as I was, maybe a little more. He was used to smoking though, his body is able to handle it better.

I take the chance and fall back myself, laying myself down and placing my head on Zayn's stomach. I look up at the night sky, scattering stars and faded dark clouds. There was little to no light around us, so it was very easy to see the thousands of stars.

I take a deep breath, inhaling the salty beach air and exhaling the last of my stress out into the open air. The peaceful sounds of the waves and the light crickets, the distance restaurant chatter— it was very relaxing.

"Sky's pretty." I observe the gorgeous view.

"Very." Zayn mumbles in agreement.

Zayn brings his hand over to his stomach, lacing his fingers in my hair and lightly brushing through it. The slow graze of his fingers to my scalp felt euphoric— I hum, nearly moan, to the feeling of it. To which they both chuckle at, though I choose to ignore.

Few minutes later, I hear quiet footsteps in the sand. I lull my head to the side, pulling away from Zayn's fingers and sit up to see Harry now standing directly in front of me. His hand was outstretched to help me up, a sincere smile on his face.

I take hold of his strong hand and he yanks me up from the ground, pulling me hard to his chest to hug me. My head spun at the fast movement, feeling like I could topple over. But he kept his arms firm around me as if I would fall limp if he let go, which I honestly just might.

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